
Anorak News | Newspaper Shocker! Daily Mail Actually Helps Someone!

Newspaper Shocker! Daily Mail Actually Helps Someone!

by | 11th, March 2013

money saving

THE was an incredible piece in the Mail four months back. It was all about how a couple with kids on £75k a year just didn’t have any money, weren’t paying off the capital on their mortgage, didn’t have any savings and boo hoo hoo. At the time all of the comments were about just what it was they were doing: what simple damn mistake were they making? Sure, £75k’s not going to turn the head of any investment bankers but it’s still a decent enough chunk of change.

It was so bad that the Mail actually got some of its money experts to go through  whatever it was they were doing and see what the mistake was. The results are here. The long story short is that they’re now saving some £10,000 a year out of their old budget.

The mistake they were making? They weren’t looking at the prices they were paying for anything.

It really was that simple: they shopped at Waitrose without checking their prices, they ate takeaways without looking at the prices, they didn’t check the costs of mobiles, of their Sky subscription and so on and on.

This really isn’t rocket science folks. There are vast numbers of sites out there to help you with all of these sorts of things. Comparisons sites with or without meerkats or opera singers. And the best bit of personal finance advice anyone can pay attention to is use the damn things.

Posted: 11th, March 2013 | In: Money Comment | TrackBack | Permalink