
Anorak News | The 49 most inexplainable pictures on Google

The 49 most inexplainable pictures on Google

by | 12th, March 2013

ON Google, and elsewhere, from time to time an image crops up that makes you wonder. And then it makes you stop and stare. And if you’re like us, you save the picture and show it other people, and gauge their reactions. Do any one of them say, “Oh, yeah, I remember this” or “Dad!” or “Did you find that on the crashed space ship? The Moolanians, right? I told them. They never believed me. But I told THEM!” Take a look through the gallery. If you recognise anyone, let the correct authorities know:

explain the image 1

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Posted: 12th, March 2013 | In: Key Posts, Strange But True Comments (2) | TrackBack | Permalink