
Anorak News | British Passengers Screened For Ebola, UKIP And AIDS As Panic Spreads In The Media

British Passengers Screened For Ebola, UKIP And AIDS As Panic Spreads In The Media

by | 10th, October 2014

EBOLA is in the UK. Well, maybe:

The Telegraph says Ebola “may” be in Britain.






To put that another way:



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The Daily Mail does what it does best: shouts ‘fire’ in a crowded theatre:



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What’s going on at the borders?

The Metro says passengers will be checked fior Ebola.



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The Mail wonders why passengers won’t be screened for Ebola.



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The Metro sums up.


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Of course, one idea might be to stop anyone with a disease from entering the UK. Then pull up the drawbridge and forcibly covert non-white Christians to UKIP.


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And black-eyed children spread Ebola, probably.


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Such are the facts…







Posted: 10th, October 2014 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink