
Anorak News | Darth Vader robs a bank: police say his outfit is ‘rare’ (video)

Darth Vader robs a bank: police say his outfit is ‘rare’ (video)

by | 19th, March 2015

Disguise of the day: the man dressed as Darth Vader who robbed bank in Pineville, North Carolina.

Unless it was Darth Vader and what with the high price of electrity he’s swapped his light sabre for a gun?

WCNC say they will catch the thief “because most adults don’t have that kind of Star Wars gear”.

And a million million Star Wars fans laugh into their Star Wars Darth Vader dressing gowns…


darth vader thief

Posted: 19th, March 2015 | In: Reviews, Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink