
Anorak News | Vegetarian man offended by the smell of meat threatened fellow train passengers with knife

Vegetarian man offended by the smell of meat threatened fellow train passengers with knife

by | 13th, May 2015

German vegetarianTo the Traunstein to Munich train, Germany, where a vegetatian, 29, has been driven berserk by the smell of meat.

It is past midnight and a group of eight other passengers, ages 18 and 20 years old, are travelling back from the Traunsteiner Spring festival. Two are with kebabs.

The vegetarian finds the smell of meat offensive. The 29-year-old vegetarian insults the group. He then threatens them with a knife, most likely one used to divide grapefruit segments.

He then slaps the two meat eaters about their heads. At Bad Endorf stations, the group leaves the train and tells the police. The vegetarian is arrested by the police in Rosenheim.

He faces charges of bodily harm and threatening behaviour. He also joins the elite list of noteworthy German vegetarians.


Posted: 13th, May 2015 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink