
Anorak News | Scientist: ‘I can raise the dead’

Scientist: ‘I can raise the dead’

by | 2nd, January 2016

The Daily Express says a company claims they’ll be able to “RESURRECT THE DEAD by 2045”. To which the obvious response is: but will that be too late to save the last Daily Express reader?

Josh Bocanegra says his new company Humai area aiming to bring the dead back to life…. by freezing human brains for extended periods of time using cryonics, a deep freezing technology using very low temperatures, and then putting them into artificial bodies. But Josh claims the company’s ultimate goal is to preserve a human brain BEFORE a person dies.

As you were Daily Express:

daily express dead


The Daily Express: keeping the dead newsworthy.

Posted: 2nd, January 2016 | In: Tabloids, Technology Comment | TrackBack | Permalink