
Anorak News | Student ban free speech on campus: the University crisis

Student ban free speech on campus: the University crisis

by | 13th, February 2017

Great work from Spiked, which has released its annual survey of free speech at universities. Using a three-tier traffic light system, where red indicates that free speech stops here, nearly two thirds of student unions and one quarter of university administrations earn a red light.

When did students become such prudes?

Bans include:

Oxford University – a ban for No Offence, a magazine devoted to celebrating free speech

University of East Anglia – banned a restaurant from handing out free sombreros lest it offend Mexicans.

Newcastle University –  a ban on dressing up as Caitlyn Jenner

London South Bank University – a ban on blasphemy

It’s all pathetic. The next generation of know adult politicians, councillors and administrators are even bigger fear-mongers and censors than the current crop.

Read it all here.



Posted: 13th, February 2017 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink