

Celebrities Category

Celebrity news & gossip from the world’s showbiz and glamour magazines (OK!, Hello, National Enquirer and more). We read them so you don’t have to, picking the best bits from the showbiz world’s maw and spitting it back at them. Expect lots of sarcasm.

Big Brother: War In Wakefield, the UK’s Lookalike Capital

WAKEFIELD is awash with stars.

Who knew that Wakefield, not permanently settled until the Germanic tribe, the Angles sailed up the Calder and decided to make it their home sometime in the 5th–6th century AD, the centre of the Rhubarb Triangle, was Britain’s look-alike capital?

And, as the Sun reports, Chanelle (15-1 to win) has “declared war” on one Katie Cheeseman.

Chanelle looks like Victoria Beckham, it says here. Ms Cheeseman, 23, looks like Katie Andre minus the Jordans.

“Chanelle thinks Wakefield’s only got room for one celeb lookalike,” says the Sun’s headline.

Katie says Chanelle is a “bitch, a bully and a poser”. She goes on: “Wakefield is a small city. Everyone knows everybody else.”

Posh lookalikes know Jordan lookalikes know someone who looks a bit like Wayne Rooney who has a dog that looks like Roly from EastEnders. And so on all the way to Pontefract.

“My boyfriend and I are always called Peter and Jordan,” says Cheeseman. “It’s a bit of a giggle and he likes to flash his six-pack whenever Peter’s song Mysterious Girl is played.”

That this tune should be played at all comes as no small shock. But then the DJ who looks like Bruno Brooks likes to keep it real.

FREE £10 bet with Anorak! 

Posted: 16th, July 2007 | In: Celebrities | Comment (1)

Big Brother: Charley Relies On The Kindness Of Strangers

“IT was fixed,” says Big Brother’s Charley Uchea, 11-1 to be the show’s top female, after Amanda (9-5), Chanelle (9-4),Carole (9-2) and Sam (6-1).

“Even if Nicky (49-1) had got more votes then me it would have been me still going. Davina was saying to me ‘You’re unique, you’re unique. I can guarantee they chose me for a reason.”

So she is better than the others? “I’m not saying that because I’m better than any of you, I’m not saying that.”

But Charley is loved by the public.

They slap her hands. They scream “Peace be upon you, Charley”. The lame approach to be touched. A squadron of RAF jets fly overhead spelling out “Charley” in plumes of smoke and an arrow-pieced heart.

Marks & Sparks produces a range of G-Charley thongs. Channel 4 creates an hour-long 100 Best Charley Moments retrospective. Melinda Messenger models the new Charley implants.

“You can nominate me all you want guys. But this week, next week or the week after, I’ll still be here. They love me out there. It’s because I’m real. I’m a big character.”

The housemates listen. And if they listen harder. They can hear the fans: “Get Charley out!” they scream. “Get Charley out!”

Because we love her. We need her to walk among us. We need Charley…

Posted: 16th, July 2007 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Big Brother Jade Goody’s Class War

jade-india.jpgJADE Goody is stood at the school gates.

She is not passing kebabs and vials of curry cause though the railings. She is not counting the number of “Shilpas” coming. She is not “looking after” dinner money.

Jade is looking over £2,350-a-term Oaklands School, Loughton, Essex.

Home education is not Jade’s thing and she has decided to send her eldest son, Bobby ‘Tikka’ Jack, to school.

Bobby’s first days at the desk will, as the Sun reports, feature in a magazine article.

If they let him in. “There is a backlash against the head’s decision to offer Bobby Jack a place for September,” says a source known only as “mum”.

“Parents have seen her and asked her to reconsider because they think Jade Goody will lower the tone and spell trouble.” Or Trubal.

“One mum has threatened to pull her child out and others are talking about a petition – feelings are running high.”

Another mum adds: “Oaklands is a discreet school and parents don’t like the thought that their kids will be forced to appear in a magazine next to Jade’s.”

Says Jade: “It’s ridic’ous if dees peepal fink my profile az un Essex gurl moight tarnish de skool – Dey’re frum Essex too.”

Jade is from Bermondsey, South London. She moved to Essex to better herself. And we’d suggest it is not her locale that troubles minds but her attitude towards those of colour.

Anorak cannot overlook the chilling possibility that on returning to school, having holidayed in sunny foreign climes, some children may appear Indian. What then the chance that young Armani Four-Be-Four will be met with the call “Oi Poppadom!” and find herself embraced by little Booby Goody and smiling for the cameras as Jade speaks of educating the poor Indians so they can better themselves.

“I have a good relationship with the head,” says Jade with no hint of irony.

“We have an equal opportunities admissions policy,” says the head, Pat Simmons. Indeed they do. Brown, black, white or tandoori-orange a private school will accept anyone so long as they’re money is good.

It is the mark by which standards are maintained…

Posted: 16th, July 2007 | In: Celebrities | Comments (3)

Big Brother Chanelle In Victoria Beckham LA-LA Land

CHANELLE is needy. How much like Victoria Beckham is she? Do you think David Beckham went to LA to appease his wife, to give her the ticket to A-list fame she craves? not that he ever cheated on her… Just like Ziggy:

Chanelle (18-1 to win) to Ziggy: Why would you ask someone else out for a drink with you, when, you know… that’s really embarrassing for me

Ziggy (out to 54-1 to win): What? Why is that embarrassing for you? For a drink outside? You know what? You are seriously… you know what?

Chanelle: She said it on national TV

Ziggy: What, to go out for a friendly drink when we were talking about the wrap party?

Chanelle: Charley said, “Ziggy even asked me to go out for a drink with him ’cause he didn’t like Chanelle any more”. Those were the words that she said on air, Carole, int it?

Carole: No, she didn’t

Chanelle: She f****** did! Chanelle shrieked. Oh my God, ask the twins!

Ziggy: She never said that! Chanelle please! You know what it was? ‘Cause he’s not with Chanelle any more’

Carole: Yeah

Ziggy: You for some reason you think I fancy Charley! Why the hell would I nominate someone I fancied? You’re ridiculous Chanelle!

Chanelle: Don’t call me ridiculous, Zac, just leave it. Do you always have to get the last word in things?

Ziggy: I don’t. I really don’t.

One day Chanelle will look back on this and weep. But not tomorrow…

Posted: 14th, July 2007 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Big Brother Betting Odds And Free Bet

charley-big-brother.jpgCHARLEY Uchea is now 31-1 to win Big Brother. Two weeks ago when Billi Bhatti was her designated rowing companion, Charley was 90-1. (Use your free Anorak bet.)
What changed between then and now is that Big Brother contrived to make Charley indestructible.

It created FAKE week in which Charley was set up for the fall. She fell. She was caught by Big Brother’s producers understandably concerned that six weeks of housemates getting on would not make good telly. Charley was carried shoulder high back into the house by a simpering Davina McCall.

Of course, most of the crowd that said anything screamed “GET CHARLEY OUT!” But Charley saw only the small handkerchief-sized banner that said “Charley can’t help it” and told her housemates “Oh my GOD! They LOVE me!”

The girl is maddening, hateful, spiteful and deluded. She is also capable of being entertaining, which the rest of the housemates are not.

Without Charley, the show hinges on:

How shiny Carole can get the dining table

How blonde is too blonde for Samanda and the corollary ‘Can you ever go too blonde?’

What does it say on Ziggy’s chest (a poll of the Anorak’s typing pool suggests: “Teeth by Tip-Ex”; a disclaimer: “I need fame and am only using you as a means to an end”; and “If you can read this you are too close.”

So Charley is back inside. And now she knows everything. Thanks to Big Brother, Charley knows what she looks like when she rows. This came as a shock to Charley who one had supposed practiced rowing in front of a mirror.

She knows what her housemates think of her, again no little shock to us who have seen her argue with one and all, Gerry chuck a glass of water over her and the fact she was nominated and evicted.

And she now knows what she has to do to win: row.

Last week was FAKE week and this week will be CHARLEY week again. Or, should she turn the rowing up a notch, ASBO Week, MURDER week or NEW CONTESTANT week…

Posted: 14th, July 2007 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Big Brother Charley Uchea Is A Product Of CCTV

CHARLEY Uchea didn’t look surprised when Davina announced her name.

“Thank you Davina,” she called, leaping up from the sofa.

And she’s going back in. The show’s dire. We know. It’s terrible. We know. But Charley is entertaining. She is the product of the CCTV generation – happy on camera all the time.

Film me! No me! No me! I’ll nick a packet of sweets if I have to. Just so long as you film me…

Posted: 13th, July 2007 | In: Celebrities | Comment (1)

Big Brother Gerry Goes Mental

“THE audition isn’t just for interesting personalities, but for strength,” says Gerry. They were looking for mental endurance.

To Brian: “You were deemed mature enough to cope with the pressure,” he explained, adding: “They hate it when housemates walk out.”

Gerry says housemates can also be “incredibly stupid”: “They can survive in this environment because they’re too thick to notice anything that will happen.”

Says Gerry…

Posted: 13th, July 2007 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Big Brother’s House Party: Charley Starts A Riot (Free Bet)

charley-gerry-big-brother.jpgBIG Brother is in crisis. There are fears for Charley Uchea’s wellbeing.

Death threats? The Star does not say, declining to shine the light of publicity upon shadowy forces, but taking care not to rule out al-Qaeda, the Women’s Institute or the Animal Liberation Front.

There is talk of a riot, how parachuting an evicted Charley back into the house could spark trouble. Six former SAS professionals have been hired to ensure the Big Brother house does not turn into a televised Waco or Noel’s House Party.

“There seems to be genuine concern this could end up being another Fight Night,” says a source. “But these guys are the best there is and can take people down in seconds.”

Good. And better then Gerry who tried to take Charley down with a thrown glass of water and snootiness.

Look out for the trained heavies taking Ziggy down by commenting on how he looks about 45 and has Cliff Richard’s teeth, how Brian is Bernard Breslaw incarnate and that Chanelle should put her undersized thong on her face and starts speaking out of her bum, the one thing that keeps her in the show and offers a chance of victory.

But Charley will go tonight. She’s 1-25 on for eviction (Nicky’s 16-1) and in to 29-1 to win the show.

Posted: 13th, July 2007 | In: Celebrities | Comments (2)

Big Brother: Thaila Zucchi And Charley Uchea’s Sister Act

pauline.jpgTHAILA Zucchi, the Big Brother faker, has “LESBIAN LUST” for Charley.

The Star reports that Thaila’s original mission was to woo Charley Uchea for “girl-on-girl” action. Chuck in Charley’s hair and you have Big Brother pushing back the boundaries of pro-amateur-pet television.

The plot stems from words uttered by Charley when she first set eyes upon Thaila: “I’m gonna tell her she can sleep with me. I don’t mind, it’d be fun.”

So here’s Thaila in the house, doing what the part demands in the best possible taste. Says she top Charley: “I’m a raving lesbian. I can appreciate a good looking woman. I wanna have fun in this house.”

Thaila, the consummate professional, will go all the way. She will woo Charley. She and Charley will become an item. They will leave the show and press their naked breast together in the Daily Star. Charley will be thinking of the money, Thaila of her stagecraft.

Posted: 12th, July 2007 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Big Brother Mangement: Show And Sell (And Free Bet)

pauline-big-brother.jpgWHO thought that after the fake eviction, the careful editing and the nullified nominations that Big Brother is fixed?

The Star’s front page tells us: “ZIGGY’S SECRET DATES WITH THAILA.”

For those of you unable to keep up with the plot so far, know that an original show has been overrun by jobbing actors, boyband singers and tatty Wags. This is Big Brother does the X Factor.

And key players in the house are Ziggy and Patricia. The former’s real name is Zac. The latter’s real name is Thaila and she used to be in a band. And, yes, they have dated.

Or they might have done. Inside the paper, the Star is more circumspect, hearing only the chatter on an internet forum. A voice speaks of a fix. Another whispers of conspiracy. Another asks of Ziggy and Thaila: “Maybe they dated?”

Maybe they did. Maybe they will. The show seems now to be run by the Big Brother management agency, looking for winners and talent they can make money from.

Who needs last year’s winner Pete Bennett and talentless wannabes when you can have half-talented wannabes who need a showcase?

So we get Ziggy and Thaila the presenters. And Charley the Wag whose hair really wags.

And fake week in which we are invited to look at the fakers – Gerry, Samanda, Tracey, Carole, Chanelle, Liam, Nicky and Brian…

Get your free £1- bet with Anorak

Posted: 11th, July 2007 | In: Celebrities | Comments (3)

Big Brother: The Audition Tapes…

QUOTES from the Big Brother audition tapes:

Chanelle: I’m quite possessive. OK, I’m really possessive. OK, If I’ve got a boyfriend then I don’t let him leave the house

Charley: I’m loud, I’m mad and quite argumentative sometimes. And I always think I’m right

Ziggy: I don’t think any guys had tried to bed two girls in the house at the same time without the other one knowing

Brian: I like the idea of a house that people can look in, but you’re in the house and can’t see out

Gerry: I’ve had too many boys for the past three years in London. I’d like to fancy some women. I think I need to explore more

Tracey: I like peace. It cost nothing to smile at anybody

Liam: I make people laugh. I make people smile. I always end up the centre of attention

Who’s going to win? Take your free £10 bet with Anorak…

Source: Daily Star

Posted: 11th, July 2007 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Big Brother: Thaila Zucchi The Bunny Boiler’s Showreel

HOW did she get the job of being a Big Brother star with the fame and none of the pain? Who does he know?

Thaila Zucchi’s CV here.

Her career here:

Posted: 10th, July 2007 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Big Brother Eviction: Charley And Nicky

THE housemates have just found out that Charley and Nicky will go head-to-head in this week’s eviction, the first time either has faced the public vote. But there wll be no eviction. So Charley gets to stay. Which is a fix. Of course.  So back her to finish in the top four at 4-1.

Posted: 10th, July 2007 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Manchester United Vote For Big Brother’s Charley Uchea

A CLUB source tells the Star: “The boys are going to keep her in the house so they can still wind him up. They’re not short of a bob or two for phone votes.”

So the players will fix it to keep Charley in so they can take the mick out of Kieran Richardson, the United player who is also Charley’s cousin. The United player who is rumoured to be on his way to Manchester City…

Posted: 10th, July 2007 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Big Brother Punishes Jade Goody

SAYS Jade Goody: “After the miscarriage I did ask: ‘Why is all this happening?’ I thought it was God’s punishment for something I’d done.

“This year it’s been one thing after another. But after losing the baby I thought I’d never recover.”

More tea?

Posted: 10th, July 2007 | In: Celebrities | Comments (2)

Big Bother’s Wrong Un: Carole Rumbles Patricia

CAROLE Vincent has twigged that Patricia is as genuine as Charley’s hair.

This does not mark Carole out as any planet-sized brain. Chances are high that in the course of her many protests Carole happened upon SM:TV on Saturday morning telly and saw Pauline “Poo” the fake Australian housemate (Thaila Zucchi).

Thalia was once part of The Allstars, the main feature of a TV show called Starstreet. Like The Monkeys, this story of a fake band turned into reality – Allstars had four top-20 hits in what counts for the real world.

And then there is Carole, who knows everything about everything. The shock would be if Carole took anything at face value. Carole (3-1 to finish in the top four) looks for hidden depth and meanings in everything. Carole knows. She may even know what Samanda is talking about.

“Pauline looks like someone from a teen movie!” says Samanda (Amanda is 6-1 to win the show). She does. And someone from a children’s TV show called The Allstars. Samanda is 19 and most likely watched the show and wanted to be Patricia.

And of course Patricia is not Australian. Says Carole: “If you’re an Australian there are certain things you know. She’s not Australian.”

Patricia doesn’t even do a decent Australian accent. Anyone who has ever been served in bar, smacked by a huge backpack on the Tube or been institutionalised and forced to watch Ozzie daytime soaps (or worked as a journalist) know how to speaks Aussie. It’s the vocal equivalent of taking a cotton wool bud, removing the soft bit and inserting it into your ear. Hard.

There is also the added problem that unlike all young Australians, Patricia doesn’t talk constantly about “home” and hang about with other Australians.

But she has yet to be exposed. Ziggy would surely like to do just that. And we’d wish it on him just to see the look on Chanelle’s face and how tiny her knickers get in her bid to be seen and liked. (Chanelle is drifting to 14-1.)

But Patricia will be sussed. Anorak predicts he will be outted by Tracey (59-1 to win) who has most likely watched lots of children’s morning telly and enjoys a good conspiracy theory.

Which all makes us wonder what Patricia is doing in the house. And if “Poo” will cause a stink for anything other than her fast going-off acting career?

Posted: 10th, July 2007 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Charley Uchea On Big Brother Niggers And White Trash

charley1.jpgCHARLEY Uchea has the Big Brother staff where she wants them.

Cowed and beaten, they refuse to evict her. Charley wants to stay in the house and Endemol wants what Charley wants.

This week there will be an eviction. Instead, viewers will vote for which housemate they want out and then see them parachuted back in.

This is challenging TV, says Big Brother. This is TV for the challenged, say viewers. You spend money getting one of them out and then watch that housemate go back in. And your money spent on the phone call goes where?

This is billed as a clever ploy to stir things up. The evicted housemate will be shown who voted for them. They will become embroiled in rage. But Samanda doesn’t do rage, nor do Tracey, Liam, Brian, Ziggy or Carole. Nicky grumbles loudly. Chanelle whines. But they don’t really rage. Only one housemate goes berserk. Only one housemate finds confrontation normal: Charley.

So you vote Charley out. And in again. “Next week it has to be her,” says Gerry, which is surely discussing nominations.

Which means he should be banned from nominating. Like Charley, who in revealing her meeting with a Chelsea footballer, says: “Easy nigger.”

Yes Chanel 4, Charley used the N-word as a black woman to refer to another black person. Big Brother called her to the Diary Room to remind her that this word could cause offence.”

But, apparently, not if you are black and the person calling you a nigger is of the same skin tones. “We judged her use of the term different from Emily’s.”

Which makes us wonder why Jermaine Jackson was not judged for calling the Goody clan “white trash” in the last Celebrity Big Brother? (“I did not call Jade Goody white trash. The white trash statement came from Dirk Benedict,” said Jackson’s statement, although we heard him say it.)

One possible answer could be that Big Brother makes it up as it goes along. And so long as Charley stays in, anything goes…

Posted: 9th, July 2007 | In: Celebrities | Comments (13)

Ziggy Dumps Chanelle: Pauline Does Big Brother Panto

big-brother-pauline.jpgZIGGY has dumped Chanelle and all is right in the Big Brother house.

It’s not easy having your summer fling played out before a bunch of strangers and watching millions.

Ziggy pulled but was unable to tell his mates, go on a couple of dates then be hard to get hold of on the phone before getting off with Chanelle’s best mate.

Chanelle is a wet weekend in Wakefield. She is clingy, needy and exactly the type of person who would hero worship Victoria Beckham. From being one of the show’s favourites, Chanelle is now 14-1 to win behind Brian (3-1 fav., Liam, Amanda, Gerry and Sam)

“Things aren’t working,” say Ziggy (37-1). “I just don’t think we’re compatible.” It’s not you Chanelle, it’s us.

After the split comes the row and the chance to blame it on someone else. Interesting if this someone is not even in the house and is an actress pretending to be Pauline from Australia.

Pauline is really called Thalia Zucchi. She will enter the house for “fake week”. This is revolutionary Big Brother, says presenter Davina McCall. Indeed, amid all the failed boy banders, failed models and failed Wags, Pauline is this season’s first failed actress.

Pauline will hope Big Brother is the springboard for her own success. She can do accents, notably an Australian one. It should be interesting to watch her keep the act up as she gets off with Ziggy. Can she row in an Australian accent, as she is sure to argue with Charley and Chanelle?

Pauline will quickly realise that her fame is on a par with Billi and Seány’s. She will enter the house full of hope and then work out what to do next? Is she a Big Brother star or an actress. Which pays more in panto?

FREE £10 Big Brother bet with Anorak. Click here… 

Posted: 9th, July 2007 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Big Brother Interview: Laura Moves Her Lips

Fourth evictee Laura left the House wearing her leopard-print dressing gown and a big smile. She swiftly joined Davina for a candid chinwag…

Davina: Now that you’re out, how does it feel?

Laura: It’s better. It’s absolutely even better.

D: You really haven’t been enjoying it?

L: I thought I’d just plod along until someone nominated me so… thanks.

D: Up until this week Carole was the only person that had nominated you. You’re telling me that this week you did a tactic to get nominated?

L: Sort of.

[They watch footage of Laura lounging around the Big Brother House]

D: Not a great, show-winning tactic.

L: I know but…

D: But you’re funny!

L: I know…

D: You gave up. Now listen, there was another side to you, a straight-talking side. That’s probably the reason you’re sat here today. Is that the real you?

L: Uhm…

D: Say there was an argument happening, you’d go in and stir things up.

L: Well I had to do that.

D: Let’s talk Chanelle and Ziggy. Is it real?

L: Erm. Let me think. No.

D: Who was your favourite housemate?

L: Seány.

D: Do you fancy Liam?

L: No.

D: You sat on his back and wiggled!

L: No. Honestly.

D: Who do you want to win?

L: Liam. No, Charley!

D: How do you reckon a foxy new housemate will be received?

Laura gasps…

Posted: 7th, July 2007 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Nailing Laura Williams To Big Brother’s Wall

laura-williams.jpg“I’LL GET MY WANGERS ON PAGE 3” says Laura Williams on the Star’s page 1.

Laura is defined by her breasts, or wants to be.

Having been forcibly removed from the Big Brother sofa by the heave-ho of democracy, Laura tells Davina McCall that it was her breasts that held her back.

They are so heavy, see. They are so gigantic, see. They are so massive, see, that she cannot do much in the day other then lie on her back or, if he tries, sit on the sofa.

“I am a big character and all the big characters have gone,” says Laura. Sure. Big Brother always votes off the winners. And Laura believes this wholeheartedly.

She tells us: “But I’ll be back on TV before you know it. I’ll be on Celebrity BB next year.”

But what will be her celebrity? What’s her talent?

“It’d be brilliant to be a Page 3 girl,” says Laura. “I’ve got some of the biggest boobs ever to hit BB, so I’d proudly be a pin-up.”

Fetch the staple gun, Mr Anorak,this is going to be like nailing jelly to a wall…

Posted: 7th, July 2007 | In: Celebrities | Comment (1)

Laura Williams Is Big Brother Evictee No. 4

IF Laura stayed in she would really shake it up next week. So she said. She would:

a) Put on a new housecoat
b) Move
c) Shift about in her seat

She would also very probably pull Liam. Laura is exactly the kind of big, no nonsense, mega-breasted woman Liam would marry.

But she has gone. And you have won easy money. And Ziggy is looking on with a mixture of horror and fear. Chanelle remains in the house.

Ziggy remains with Chanelle. Stuck. Locked. Frustrated.  Pained.

Posted: 6th, July 2007 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Big Brother Billi Bhatti Gets The Cold Shoulder

BIG Brother’s housemate Billi ‘Zoolander’ Bhatti is at large in London’s West End.

The Star looks on as he tried to get into Chinawhite, the club frequented by Division One footballers and their would-be lovers.

But he is refused entry. And things go from bad to worse when Danielle Lloyd pops up to offer him her shoulder to cry on.

This is what Big Brother housemates have to look forward to on the outside.

If they knew, would they ever come out? And has the ever been refusal, a housemate who has declined to leave?

Posted: 6th, July 2007 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Big Brother: Ziggy Wants Chanelle Out

chanelle-hayes.jpg“ZIGGY: vote Chanelle out tonight,” says the Star front page, the “official” Big Brother newspaper.

“Love rat plans to bed Charley.”

Anyone who has seen the show will know Ziggy to be far from a love rat. Thrown into the house with eleven women, Ziggy behaved like a gentlemen.

His error was to hook up with Chanelle, who longs to be part to the kind of romance she’s spent her teenage years reading about in Bella magazine.

But there is no romance. There is only convenience and panic. Ziggy does not want to sleep in between Tracey and Carole. Chantelle does not want to wake up with Charley’s pet hairs on her face and drowning in Laura’s chest. So Chanelle and Ziggy buddy up at bed time.

But it has to be more than sleeping arrangements. They have to talk to each other for the rest of the day.

But Ziggy is finding it a struggle. He wants out. For some weeks, Ziggy has been telling Chanelle how much he really, really, really likes her. The hope is that she will question her own feelings and dump him. “I like you,” says Ziggy, “please dump me. Finish with me. I can’t bare your whining, your moaning and your neediness.”

Chanelle looks at him. She sees Beckham. She sees a ten-page photospread in heat. She sees babies called Red and Armani.

Chanelle is up for eviction. She’s 15-1 to go tonight. Chances are that Ziggy will not wave goodbye to Chanelle with one hand while the other pulls Charley.

And chances are he won’t quit if Chanelle walks. The Sport says: “Ziggy: Kick out Chanelle and I quit.”

He won’t quit. She wont’ go. We would like her too, though. There is nothing in this relationship. Ziggy and Chanelle are tiresome and draining. Their romance is a prison. Ziggy knows they have nothing. He tells Gerry: “If Chanelle stays then great. But if she goes, it will give me the freedom to do what I want.”

Ziggy wants to flirt with Samanda and Charley. He may even chat up Nicky. But he will not get hooked up, not make the same mistake twice.

No, Laura will go. She’s 1-20 to be evicted. Take the bet…

Posted: 6th, July 2007 | In: Celebrities | Comments (5)

Get Charley Out: The Big Brother Fix

charley-uchea.jpg“DAVINA IN BIG BROTHER FIX,” screams the Star’s front page.

What many have suspected to be true is now given form as Davina McCall screeches to the crowd: “Let’s change the chant to Keep Charley in.”

The chant in Elstree is “Get Charley Out”. And Big Brother viewers have heard the people who stand outside the house chants it every day since Charley and her pet hair strutted into the compound.

Since then Charley has remained in situ. Even when she was up for eviction – and a shoo-in to go – she survived when Billi’s votes were discounted in a spot of vote rigging Robert Mugabe would have found embarrassing and heavy handed.

But presenter Davina McCall’s joking doesn’t work. A few do as instructed, specifically the runners looking for a career in telly. But before long the universal chant returns to “Get Charley Out”.

Davina needs to repeat her message in sterner tones. “Charley’s not up for eviction and if you keep chanting her name you will be giving her the attention she wants,” she says.

So we should ignore Charley, the show’s only character of interest, and keep her in. “She’s a streetfighter,” says Jonathan. And out in the street, Davina is fighting for her…

Posted: 5th, July 2007 | In: Celebrities | Comments (14)

Big Bother’s Fix And Stones: Emily Goes, Laura Stays

LAURA Williams has called Liam a “poof”. “The use of the word was carefully considered in the context in which it was said and consideration given to the fact no offence was intended or caused.”

The fact?

Readers may recall Emily Parr calling Charley a “nigger”. She meant no offence. And Charley said no offence had been taken. But she was removed from the house. Fair?

Bet on Laura to go with a free £10 bet…

Posted: 5th, July 2007 | In: Celebrities | Comments (2)