
angela eagle

Posts Tagged ‘angela eagle’

Resigned Barry Gardiner Makes Way For Twigg At Forestry

BARRY Gardiner is the Member of Parliament for Brent North and Gordon Brown’s Special Envoy for Forestry.

Now Barry Gardiner is the former Special Envoy for Forestry, having resigned his position to go onto pastures new. Incidentally this is the same Barry Gardiner who told us:

“The public has stopped listening to Gordon Brown. He is not a popular prime minister, but he would continue to have my support if he showed sound judgment, international leadership and political vision. Instead we have vacillation, loss of international credibility and timorous political manoeuvres that the public cannot understand.”

The Telegraph says Gardiner was sacked. So does he:

Gardiner says he resigned:

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Posted: 15th, September 2008 | In: Broadsheets, Politicians | Comments (5)