

Posts Tagged ‘Apple’

Apple v AT& T: Who Ends Up With The Money?

APPLE versus AT&T – everyone wants the iPhone but at what cost to the carriers?

OK, so this example is from the US but the same things happens in the UK as well. It’s an example of a basic truth about money and business: whoever has the scarce thing gets to make all the money.

That’s because every time a new iPhone model comes out, it’s the carriers—not consumers—that shell out the biggest bucks. Analysts estimate that carriers pay Apple a subsidy of about $400 each time a consumer buys an iPhone with a two-year contract.

AT&T and other wireless carriers say that subsidizing the iPhone heavily amounts to an investment that will make their customers more likely to stay and increase the amount of money they’re willing to spend for the carrier’s services. But some analysts say those benefits have yet to materialize.

At AT&T, Nomura Securities analyst Michael McCormack says, the profit margins on wireless service haven’t meaningfully improved since the company started carrying the iPhone in 2007.

“For the most part, it’s really been a wealth transfer from AT&T shareholders to Apple shareholders,” said Mr. McCormack, who predicts AT&T’s fourth-quarter profit margin will fall to 30% from 44% in the third quarter.

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Posted: 22nd, December 2011 | In: Money | Comment

Microsoft’s Tellme Versus Apple’s Siri: The Teen Anal Meeting

IN this challenge, the tech tester will see if Microsoft’s Tellme is better than Apple’s Siri.

The Teen Anal Meeting is at 10am:

Spotter: Daring Fireball and Boing Boing

Posted: 26th, November 2011 | In: Technology | Comment

Steve Jobs And The Options Grants

SO Steve Jobs is dead: long live Steve Jobs.

There are of course acres of newsprint devoted to him today but for me two little stories stand out.

It was only a couple of months ago that his biological father (Jobs was adopted) was revealed to still be working in a Nevada casino and that the two of them had never met or even talked on the phone as adults. I wonder if they did in these last couple of months?

The second is a minor financial story and given that this is the money column, an annoying little detail it’s worth correcting. It’s about backdated options grants. In his Telegraph obituary:

In 2001 he was granted stock options amounting to 7.5 million Apple shares, allegedly without the required authorisation from the company’s board of directors. Furthermore, the option came with an exercise price of $18.30.

But this price allegedly should have been $21.10, thereby incurring a taxable charge of $20 million that Jobs did not report as income.

There was a little spate of this going on in tech companies at the time and it became a minor scandal. However, it’s almost universally misunderstood.

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Posted: 6th, October 2011 | In: Key Posts, Money | Comment

RIP Steve Jobs: Steve Jobs 2 Here Soon

RIP Steve Jobs. The new apple CEO has yet to appear in the Apple store, where the cult of personality holds sway. Experts are already wondering if this is the beginning of the end for Apple – or can they unveil a new faster, cheaper, slimmer version of the leader in time for Christmas…

Posted: 6th, October 2011 | In: Technology | Comment (1)

Are These Photos Of Sick Steve Jobs Fakes?

STEVE Jobs is ill. How ill? Well, the Now former CEO of Apple has cancer. Anyone who has lived with a cancer patient nows how grim it can get. The weight loss is the visible sign of change. And the photos doing the rounds show a painfully thin Jobs. But as with many things on the internet, an argument develops that the photos may be fakes? Why anyone would make fake photos of an ill man is an odd one. But a voice on Reddit says the pictures are fake. Anorak would guess that the Reddit photoshop expert has not watched a love one get eaten by cancer, much less a vicious form of the disease that is attacking Jobs.

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Posted: 27th, August 2011 | In: Technology | Comment

No Quick App for Apple’s Mr Fixit: How Steve Jobs Inspires Diabetics

STEVE Jobs, the 56-year-old who co-founded and led a world revolution in communications with Apple Corp and then introduced the IPod and IPhone has quit as head of the world’s most successful company.

Thousands of column inches will be written of the man who: left college to become co-founder of a computer giant in a Silicon Valley garage; left the company and later returned to head up the ailing company’s new found success.

He will stay linked to Apple as Chairman of the Board.

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Posted: 25th, August 2011 | In: Technology | Comments (11)

Before iPad And Apple A Pictorial History Of Computers

BEFORE the iPad and apple made computing into a thing for posers and the superficial, the machines were going to save the world. They would feed penguins. They would mow the lawn. They would launch rockets and play chess. Remember Commodore Computers and the ZX Spectrum? We do. We’ve put together an archive of pictures of how computers used to be sold to the masses. It’s was high-tech boffinry. It as in black and white…


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Leslie Russell computer operator at Trans-World airlines new data communications centre in Rockleigh, New Jersey, USA, was looking to the future at her "Moon Desk" after the fwentastic success of Apollo 10's lunar mission. The company received 3,000 requests for reservations to the moon. Though there was no immediate prospect of regular lunar flights, the requests were transferred to magnetic tape for storage when TWA activated it's computerised reservations system on it's round the world routes.

Posted: 31st, May 2010 | In: Technology | Comment

Jake Lee Buys The First apple iPad In The UK And Everyone Loves Him

JAKE LEE becomes the first person in the UK to buy an Apple iPad. Jake, 17, from Theydon Bois, Essex, was spotted leaving the Apple Store in Regent Street, central London, after buying the new Apple iPad.

Jake looks delighted as throws off the austerity of his parent’s generation and forks out a few hundred pounds for a new computer. One day – hours, maybe days, from now – Jake will look back and say:

“I was there. I was there when apple iPads went. I queued. I shopped. I  plugged it in and on it read about a new apple product even better than the iPad. I put the iPad in a draw and dashed out to buy thsi new marvel. But it was not yet in the shops. I twitched with anticipation. I made Steve Jobs richer!”

Anyone unable to afford the iPad, can achieve the same effect by sticking a huge apple logo to their face and writing “I am a posing, superficial knob” on the foreheads in felt tip.

Apple users will nod and wave. Because they know…


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Customers queue overnight at the Apple store in London's Regent Street to be the first owners of the new Apple iPad.

Posted: 28th, May 2010 | In: Technology | Comments (4)

Win A New iPad And Get A Free Mobile Apple Idiot App.

THE Apple iPad is on sale, and anyone keen to look like an utter twat is lining up outside the Apple store in London’s Regent Street. The iPad is not just a massive phone, a big baby activity centre for people who shun work on the computer, preferring to spend hundreds of pounds on a new way to read the paper and buy new apps for their iPhone. The iPad is made for posing, sad tosspots looking for a new way to show everyone what a needy pillock they are. Thanks to the iPad, you can now spot the superficial from at least a hundred paces. The mobile idiot app is upon is. Look for the Apple…

Buy the iPhone 4 and other Apple devices from Phones4u


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Customers queue overnight at the Apple store in London's Regent Street to be the first owners of the new Apple iPad.

Posted: 28th, May 2010 | In: Technology | Comments (19)

Greg Packer is Mr FIRST The iPad, Harry Potter, New York Giants Screamer

GREG Packer is the man at the head of the line to buy an iPad. Expects – get his – there’s no line. With his iPad, Mr Packer can list how many times he screams “FIRST” at a shop assistant.

Greg Pecker is Mr FIRST. His list of FIRSTS:

•The Super Bowl victory rally for the Pittsburgh Steelers in 2006
•The Super Bowl victory rally of the New York Giants
•The 2005 release of the novel Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
•Bill Clinton’s first book signing
•Greeting President George W. Bush after his inauguration

He at the Apple store in New York. Mr Pecker reminds Anorak of the time I, ahem, happened to be near Westminster Abbey for the big Princess Diana send off. A trip to the loos behind the Foreign Office and an overheard chat:

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Posted: 2nd, April 2010 | In: Technology | Comment

Apple Sues Woolworths Over Logo Design

appleIN Australia, Woolworths not only still exists but is so trendy and hip that its shops might be mistaken for Apple, makers of to-queue-for gadgets.

Woolies says its new logo is a ”W” that looks fresh and exciting. Apple says it looks like an apple, which it does.

Confusion results. Right now thousands of apple fans are browsing the new iPix and iMix applications with shiny-eyed wonder.

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Posted: 5th, October 2009 | In: Technology | Comments (3)

Apple Unveils New Exploding iPod

iphoneTHERE are all manner of applications for your iPhone, and Ellie Stanborough, 11, tells of one that causes your Apple gadget to make a “hissing noise” and go “pop“.

But the allegation is that this is no official Apple app, and the firm did attempt to “silence a father and daughter with a gagging order after the child’s iPod music player exploded and the family sought a refund from the company.”

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Posted: 3rd, August 2009 | In: Money | Comment

The New Apple Wheel

THE New Apple Wheel:

Apple Introduces Revolutionary New Laptop With No Keyboard

Posted: 7th, January 2009 | In: Technology | Comments (12)

Social suicide – or how I think I might actually want to own a BlackBerry

There are many milestones in a man’s life. Like the day he discovers that Radio 2 actually has some good presenters who play good tunes as well as libel celebrity granddaughters. Or the moment when the clothes in Burton’s don’t just seem competitively priced and practical, but almost a bit cool. But for me the one I have been dreading has finally arrived. Yes I actually want to own a BlackBerry.

Over the last half decade I have smugly looked on at mates, work colleagues and randoms on buses whose lives are pretty much governed by those horrible little excuses for phones. Smug in the knowledge that, 1 I had a decent handset, usually a Nokia, 2, that my phone did all manner of wonderful things – like take amazing high quality pics and play back MP3s and, most crucially, 3, that I wasn’t checking my phone screen every three minutes in case my boss had emailed me.

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Posted: 17th, November 2008 | In: Technology | Comments (5)

How To Short Sell iPods And Steve Jobs

Apple was yesterday stung into denying its head Steve Jobs had suffered a heart attack. The false internet rumour had briefly slashed his company’s stock value.

It once again highlights the problems of the troubled relationship between traditional and new often totally amateurish and unregulated gossip mill new media.

The video posting on – a site owned by Time Warner’s CNN – caused confusion among investors. It was pulled after 20 minutes but not before the company’s stock temporarily dipped by almost 10 per cent…causing panic share selling.

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Posted: 5th, October 2008 | In: Reviews | Comment (1)