
David Cameron Wants British Thanksgiving Parade

Posts Tagged ‘David Cameron Wants British Thanksgiving Parade’

David Cameron Wants British Thanksgiving Parade, In Pictures

TOP TORY David Cameron today calls for the UK to celebrate Thanksgiving:

Says David Cameron:

“Keeping up with the plot of Friends and other top US TV shows is hard enough for our kids. But when the cast of Dora The Explorer or Ugly Betty celebrate Thanksgiving, Memorial Day or even Independence Day, our British kids just feel confused, isolated and are 85% more likely to turn to crime.”

In light of this, Anorak brings you the annual New York thanksgiving parade. One day Britons will able to look up and cheer huge inflatable Great British carton characters, like the Fat Slags, Alf Tupper, and Dave’s personal favourite Lord Snooty.


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DJ Lance Rock from "Yo Gabba Gabba" attends the 83rd Annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City on November 26, 2009.

Posted: 27th, November 2009 | In: Reviews | Comments (5)