

Posts Tagged ‘eel’

Eel Swims Up Fishmonger’s Anus: Pictures

THAT eel stuck up the fishmonger’s anus got there because he fell into a vat of eels and one swam up his arse.

So says Li Chang, 43, of Guangzhou, southern China. Says he:

“I guess they were scared when I suddenly landed in the tank so they started wriggling everywhere. Several shot up my trouser leg. And then to my horror I felt one go up my bottom.”

Eel Swims Up Man’s Anus And Eats His Bowels: Pictures

“I didn’t say anything at first when I climbed out – I was too embarrassed. I dried myself off and tried to carry on working, but it was just too painful.”

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Posted: 4th, August 2010 | In: Key Posts, Strange But True | Comments (3)

Eel Swims Up Man’s Anus And Eats His Bowels: Pictures

IN a Sichuan hospital, China, a man has died after an eel was inserted up his anus.

The eel entered the rectum and chewed away his bowels. The man, aged 59, worked as a chef. When opened up, medic found as 50cm long Asian swamp eel lodged in his rectum. The eel was dead.

Reports are that the man claimed to have “eaten a lot of eel the previous day”.

Later, friends of the dead man claimed they had inserted the eel when the victim has been out cold from drink. It was a joke.


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Xiao Wei, who was playing Counter Strike with his mate Huang in an internet café in China when another boy pulled him into the street and stabbed him in the head with a ten-inch blade. He got himself to hospital. And lived.

Posted: 29th, April 2010 | In: Key Posts, Strange But True | Comments (4)