
Election Round-Up: Tarty Nick Clegg And The Politics Of Vanity Sold To A Dumb Public

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Election Round-Up: Tarty Nick Clegg And The Politics Of Vanity Sold To A Dumb Public

GORDON Brown stands aside for pragmatic reasons – Clegg will not work with him. Nick Clegg talks to the Labour Party. The ITV news calls him a kingmaker. He isn’t. He just wants to look important. This is vanity, people. Nothing less.

David Cameron would do well to look principled and tell everyone else to sod off. If all the rest – the Labour losers, the LibDem big losers, the nationalists of Ireland, Wales and Scotland and a Green – are lumped together to form a Government of desperation, the Tories will look solid and the only viable option.

Who wants yet another unelected Prime Minister? Why, Nick Clegg and the Labour Party do. Tarts. This is how PR works, so say they who are against it.

You hear a constant dribble of how much the jobbing, entitled politicos are doing it for the country’s stability. If you snorted any harder you’d puke:

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Posted: 10th, May 2010 | In: Reviews | Comments (8)