

Posts Tagged ‘Jews’

Ban kosher, halal, veils and circumcision and stop the barbabric Jew and the cruel Muslim

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The Times‘ “Environment Editor” wants to tell Times readers about religious slaughter of animals. You might think this a religious matter, a story based on Jewish and Muslim covenants with God. But it’s not. It’s about welfare and civilised forms of animal slaughter. It’s about making our country’s environment better. Just as the calls to ban circumcision are not an attack on Judaism or Islam but a sane move to end barbarism. It’s all about being better human beings. Got it?

First they came for the clothes.

Then a court in Cologne, Germany, came for the circumcisisors, “to respect fundamental rights of children”. Sure Genesis says: “And ye shall be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskin; and it shall be a token of a covenant betwixt Me and you.” But the Council of Europe says cicumcision is a violation of the physical integrity of children”. It says all 47 nations in the Council’s zone will  “initiate a public debate, including intercultural and interreligious dialogue, aimed at reaching a large consensus on the rights of children to protection against violations of their physical integrity according to human rights standards”. Member states should “adopt specific legal provisions to ensure that certain operations and practices will not be carried out before a child is old enough to be consulted”.

No snips. No Jews. Sever the link between parents and child. Your God is dead.

Jonathan Sacks wrote:

Did the court know that circumcision is the most ancient ritual in the history of Judaism, dating back almost 4,000 years to the days of Abraham? Did it know that Spinoza, not religious but together with John Locke the father of European liberalism, wrote that brit mila in and of itself had the power to sustain Jewish identity through the centuries? Did it know that banning mila was the route chosen by two of the worst enemies the Jewish people ever had, the Seleucid ruler Antiochus IV and the Roman emperor Hadrian, both of whom set out to extinguish not only Jews but also Judaism? Either the court knew these things or it did not. If it did not, then how was it competent to assess the claim of religious liberty? If it did, then there are judges in Germany quite willing to say to religious Jews, in effect, “If you don’t like it, leave.”

So. Stop it. Stop the Jew.



Then they come for the halal and kosher meat.

Because human spiritualism takes second place to the feelings of a chicken reared for food. Because adults and parents are not as important as the State’s children. One set of beliefs offends another.

But it is in no way racist of bigoted to single out the halal and kosher chickens; it’s an animal rights issue, dummy.

You ban circumcision not because you hate Jews and seek to undo what they believe to be part of an ancient agreement with God; you ban it because the kids are being abused. You look at the Muslim woman in their veil, portray her clothing as a stain on her human rights and you ban it.

Did the Dutch get it right when they banned kosher and halal meat? If these arcane Others will not yield to the culture of goodness, the trusty Dutch will force them to, it being what the dumb animals deserve. It’s not racist. It’s not intolerant. It’s just, you know, correct.

In the film Der ewige Jude (The Eternal Jew), the Nazis portray Jews as rejoicing in the suffering of animals. They were not “civislied Europeans”. They did love the cow and the hen like noble Germans. It’s not racism – it’s just doing what’s right and decent.




The Times then trails its story like this:


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Muslims calls? Muslim demands are leading to more unstunned animals being killed for meat? It’s an odd headline.

Online readers then get this news of “lambs to slaughter”:


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The image is very much that these religious methods are cruel and wrong. And, don’t forget, it’s an environmental issue. Adelaide surgeon Dr Paul Cowie once championed a new environmentalist cause:

We will save many litres of water if more men were circumcised because there would be less fiddling in the shower to keep it clean.

Stop the Jew and the Muslim and save the children, the animals and the planet.

The Times goes on:

The number of animals killed in halal abattoirs without being stunned first has soared because of campaigning by Muslims for traditional methods of slaughter. Halal and kosher abattoirs cut the throats of 2.4 million sheep and goats without stunning in the latest recorded year, an increase of 60 per cent, according to the British Veterinary Association’s analysis of surveys by the Food Standards Agency.


The agency found that, in halal premises, 37 per cent of sheep and goats, 25 per cent of cattle and 16 per cent of poultry were killed without being stunned, a procedure that renders the animals insensitive to pain before they are slaughtered.

So they say…

Cattle take up to two minutes to lose consciousness after their throats are cut, meaning that they might experience pain for that period. Poultry can take two and half minutes or more to lose consciousness and sheep 20 seconds, according to the European Food Safety Authority’s scientific panel on animal health and welfare.

The increase has prompted leading vets to renew their call for an end to religious exemptions from animal welfare rules. John Blackwell, the BVA’s president, said that the practice “unnecessarily compromises animal welfare at the time of death”.

So says the vet. And then it gets really nasty:

In an interview with The Times last year he called for religious slaughter to be banned if Muslims and Jews refused to adopt a more humane method of killing.

End your traditions. Stop being a Jew and a Muslim. Be more humane. Be less barbaric.

The BVA’s petition on the government’s website calling for a ban on non-stun slaughter yesterday passed its goal of 100,000 signatures, which is the number which the government says may prompt a debate in the House of Commons.

Listen to the non-Jew and non-Muslim and become a better Jew or Muslim.

Mr Blackwell said that the response to the petition showed the strength of public opinion on the issue. “We urge the chairman of the backbench business committee to honour the epetition and pledge that an end to non-stun slaughter will be debated at the first opportunity in the next parliament,” he said.

If this does not strike you as wrong. If this does not strike you as intolerant, illiberal and an assault on Jews and Muslims. If you think the State knows better than ancient religions, parents and God. If you think that then you are a dangerous fool…


Posted: 30th, January 2015 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comments (3)

Anti-Semitism is justified: views on the war on Jews and its causes

Thoughts on anti-semitism. One thing a Jew cannot do is fail. The other thing a Jew can always do is be held responsible for what their co-religionists do.

Rev. Bruce Shipman echoes the BBC’s man on the scene in an open published in the New York Times:

To the Editor:

Deborah E. Lipstadt makes far too little of the relationship between Israel’s policies in the West Bank and Gaza and growing anti-Semitism in Europe and beyond.

The trend to which she alludes parallels the carnage in Gaza over the last five years, not to mention the perpetually stalled peace talks and the continuing occupation of the West Bank.

As hope for a two-state solution fades and Palestinian casualties continue to mount, the best antidote to anti-Semitism would be for Israel’s patrons abroad to press the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for final-status resolution to the Palestinian question.

Groton, Conn., Aug. 21, 2014

Bruce Shipman is Episcopal chaplain at Yale.

Jews will spot the codes in his letter. Jews must pay for whatever another Jew does.

Anti-Semitism is justified.

His words and his tone are not untypical of the ‘knowing’, they who can empathise and set about teaching the Jew how to see suffering.

The BBC:

Mrs May said the attack on the supermarket in France was “a chilling reminder of anti-Semitism, not just in France but the recent anti-Semitic prejudice that we sadly have seen in this country.

“I know that many Jewish people in this country are feeling vulnerable and fearful and you’re saying that you’re anxious for your families, for your children and yourselves.

“I never thought I would see the day when members of the Jewish community in the United Kingdom would say they were fearful of remaining here in the United Kingdom”…

“Without its Jews, Britain would not be Britain, just as without its Muslims, Britain would not be Britain – without its Sikhs, Hindus, Christians and people of other faiths, Britain would not be Britain.”

She said she was “deeply distressed” by the YouGov survey showing a large proportion of Britons holding antisemitic views.


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The poll:

Antisemitic views have been shown to be rampant among British people according to the results of a new polls.

One in four Britons were shown to believe that Jews ‘chase money more than other people’, according to a poll by YouGov.

Meanwhile the new survey showed that 17 per cent of respondent believe that Jewish people think themselves better than others.

A similar proportion felt that Jewish people have too much power in the media.

A separate poll also revealed that more than half of all British Jews feel that antisemitism has begun to echo the widespread anti-Jewish hatred of the 1930s, according to the Campaign Against Antisemitism (CAA).

Glenn Reynolds:

France has the largest Jewish community remaining in Europe, but Norman Lebrecht, a French Jew whose family has been in France at least since 1727 (when the first records exist), decided last week that he is leaving. Nor is he alone…

French Jews are leaving for two main reasons: because they don’t feel welcome, and because they don’t feel safe. They don’t feel welcome because a rising tide of anti-Semitism has poisoned the atmosphere in France over the past couple of decades. It’s not so much the old anti-Semitism of the pre-War variety as a new anti-Semitism brought on by a wave of Muslim immigration, though the two have reinforced one another.

And they don’t feel safe because of attacks on Jews. As the Chief Rabbi of France,Haim Korsia, notes, it’s not just last week’s attacks on a Kosher deli and on the Charlie Hebdo news weekly: “Jews have been killed and there were the shootings in Toulouse and in Brussels. In general, Jews feel vulnerable in our society. The Jews who were murdered were targeted specifically because they were Jewish.”

… European nations are facing population deficits, and they’ve replaced those missing Jews with Muslim immigrants who — unlike the Jews — are for the most part far less educated, don’t really consider themselves part of European society, and have no particularly strong desire to integrate into it, which bodes poorly. As Eugene Volokh — himself an immigrant to the United States — observes, in a democracy, when you let in immigrants, you are letting in your future rulers.

Jeff Jacoby:

An exodus of French Jews is already underway and accelerating rapidly. In 2012, there were just over 1,900 immigrants to Israel from France. The following year nearly 3,400 French Jews emigrated; in 2014 approximately 7,000 left. For the first time ever, France heads the list of countries of origin for immigrants to Israel, and the ministry of immigration absorption expects another 10,000 French Jews to arrive in 2015.

That would mean more than 22,000 Jews fleeing France for Israel in the space of just four years, nearly 4.5 percent of the country’s Jewish population. The departure of 100,000 French Jews might once have been inconceivable. No longer. In a survey last spring of France’s Jewish community, the largest in Europe, three out of four respondents said they were considering emigrating.

These are staggering numbers — all the more so in a “Jewish community that has been in place for centuries and feels itself deeply attached to being French,” as Daniel Jonah Goldhagen has written. But what is driving so many Jews to leave “is not Israel’s pull…. It is France’s push.”

Over the past 15 years, that “push” — violent eruptions of French antisemitism — has grown relentless.

Dan Hodges:

Many of your fears about becoming a victim of terrorism are invented. So long as you are not Jewish.

Whenever Martin Niemöller’s warning is quoted, it is always used in the past tense. But as the Paris attacks proved, they are still coming for the Jews. In reality, they have never stopped coming for the Jews…

The reaction from outside the Jewish community follows the same pattern. Like Simon Jenkins and Polly Toynbee, we try to hide behind a veil of self-centered proportionality. Or, we cry “look over there!” Yes the Jewish community is under threat, but what about the “revenge” attacks being launched against the Muslim community? Or we deploy the “some of my best friends are Jewish” argument. Yes some Jews are being targeted. But look at what’s happening to the Palestinians. Should we really be surprised? Yes, obviously we must condemn the “terrorists”. But don’t we have an obligation to try to understand them as well?

And what lies at the heart of this response? If we’re honest, if we’re really honest, it’s that those of us who are not part of the Jewish community have subconsciously – and shamefully – come to the view that being a target of terrorism is merely one of the occupational hazards of being a Jew…

We need to say: “They came for the Jews. And I spoke out. Because I am not a Jew”.

David Bernstein:

A lot of progressives seem to think they are immune from anti-Semitism, or even being tolerant of anti-Semitism, because they have neither racist nor Christian antipathy to Jews, the two most recently prominent forms. They, in other words, do not consciously hate, or even dislike, Jews. But when the Left has decided that colonialism, fundamentalist religion and ethnic nationalism are the great evils of the modern world, and then so many “progressives” focus on Israel as the exemplar of these evils, despite many, many other more worthy choices, one wonders if they fully understand what anti-Semitism is really all about.

Matti Friedman wonders why Israel is always at the top of the news cycle. Why Hamas, a group that pledge to kill every Jew, is not framed as an enemy to things we should hold dear.

For centuries, stateless Jews played the role of a lightning rod for ill will among the majority population. They were a symbol of things that were wrong. Did you want to make the point that greed was bad? Jews were greedy. Cowardice? Jews were cowardly. Were you a Communist? Jews were capitalists. Were you a capitalist? In that case, Jews were Communists. Moral failure was the essential trait of the Jew. It was their role in Christian tradition—the only reason European society knew or cared about them in the first place.

Like many Jews who grew up late in the 20th century in friendly Western cities, I dismissed such ideas as the feverish memories of my grandparents. One thing I have learned—and I’m not alone this summer—is that I was foolish to have done so. Today, people in the West tend to believe the ills of the age are racism, colonialism, and militarism. The world’s only Jewish country has done less harm than most countries on earth, and more good—and yet when people went looking for a country that would symbolize the sins of our new post-colonial, post-militaristic, post-ethnic dream-world, the country they chose was this one.

When the people responsible for explaining the world to the world, journalists, cover the Jews’ war as more worthy of attention than any other, when they portray the Jews of Israel as the party obviously in the wrong, when they omit all possible justifications for the Jews’ actions and obscure the true face of their enemies, what they are saying to their readers—whether they intend to or not—is that Jews are the worst people on earth. The Jews are a symbol of the evils that civilized people are taught from an early age to abhor. International press coverage has become a morality play starring a familiar villain.

Some readers might remember that Britain participated in the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the fallout from which has now killed more than three times the number of people ever killed in the Israel-Arab conflict; yet in Britain, protesters furiously condemn Jewish militarism. White people in London and Paris whose parents not long ago had themselves fanned by dark people in the sitting rooms of Rangoon or Algiers condemn Jewish “colonialism.” Americans who live in places called “Manhattan” or “Seattle” condemn Jews for displacing the native people of Palestine. Russian reporters condemn Israel’s brutal military tactics. Belgian reporters condemn Israel’s treatment of Africans. When Israel opened a transportation service for Palestinian workers in the occupied West Bank a few years ago, American news consumers could read about Israel “segregating buses.” And there are a lot of people in Europe, and not just in Germany, who enjoy hearing the Jews accused of genocide.

You don’t need to be a history professor, or a psychiatrist, to understand what’s going on. Having rehabilitated themselves against considerable odds in a minute corner of the earth, the descendants of powerless people who were pushed out of Europe and the Islamic Middle East have become what their grandparents were—the pool into which the world spits. The Jews of Israel are the screen onto which it has become socially acceptable to project the things you hate about yourself and your own country. The tool through which this psychological projection is executed is the international press.

Simon Montefiore:

The first head of the hydra-like monster of medieval anti-Semitic conspiracy theories was the implied parallel between Israeli treatment of Palestinians and Nazis’ treatment of the Jews. This is a de facto cousin of Holocaust denial, as it diminishes and trivialises what really happened then…

Since 9/11 and Iraq, a millenarian cauldron of old-fashioned anti-Semitic conspiracy theories claims that secretive Jews (the wicked “neo-cons”) are controlling Bush, Blair and the media, and even arranged 9/11. Anti-Americanism, anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism have become interchangeable…

Until 9/11, Anglo-Jewry had become accustomed to prejudiced coverage of Israel. But if you were not a Zionist, as many Jews are not, you did not need to worry. Since 9/11, and particularly post-Iraq, we have witnessed a sea change. It is as if, in the mythical scale of 9/11, al-Qaeda had unlocked a forgotten cultural capsule of anti-Semitic myths, sealed and forgotten since the Nazis, the Black Hundreds and the medieval blood libels. Just words? But words matter in a violent world. This weird and scary nonsense is an international phenomenon, not a British one. Despite it, Britain retains the easygoing tolerance and pragmatism, the sources of her greatness. It is still better to be a Jew in England than anywhere else

And that’s true…

Posted: 20th, January 2015 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comment

When the Paris Mosque saved Jews from the Nazis with Muslim IDs



It was during World War 2 when French Jews were being rounded up for murder by Nazis that Si Kaddour Benghabrit, the rector of the Grand Mosque of Paris until 1954, acted.

Benghabrit, an Algerian-born religious and political leader, was audacious and cool. The Jews were hidden in the mosque’s cavern-like cellars. Above them, Benghabrit gave Nazi officers and their wives tours of the mosque.

A North African Jew named Albert Assouline, who had escaped from a German prison camp, wrote about life in the mosque:

“No fewer than 1,732 resistance fighters found refuge in its underground caverns. These included Muslim escapees but also Christians and Jews. The latter were by far the most numerous.”

He had a story to tell:

According to Assouline, he and an Algerian named Yassa Rabah escaped together from the camp and stealthily traversed the countryside across the French-German border, heading for Paris. Once in Paris they made their way to the mosque, where, evidently thanks to Rabah’s connections to the Algerian community, the two found refuge. Eventually Assouline continued his journey and joined up with Free French forces to continue the fight against the German occupation … the most fantastic part of the story was his claim that the mosque provided sanctuary and sustenance to Jews hiding from the Vichy and German troops as well as to other fighters in the anti-Fascist resistance.

In a 1983 article for Almanach due Combattant, a French veterans’ magazine, Assouline wrote [that] the senior imam of the mosque, Si Mohammed Benzouaou took “considerable risk” by hiding Jews and providing many (including many children) with certificates of Muslim identity, with which they could avoid deportation and certain death. Assouline recalled one “hot alert” when German soldiers smelled the odor of cigarettes and, convinced that Muslims were forbidden to smoke, searched the mosque looking for hidden Jews. According to Assouline, the Jews were able to escape via sewer tunnels that connected the mosque to nearby buildings.

Read the rest of this entry »

Posted: 19th, January 2015 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comments (2)

CNN reports: attack on Paris kosher supermarket was an attack on Muslims who shop there

We go live to Paris, where CNN are by a kosher supermarket where people have been murdered. Some, like the French Preesident, say the attack on a kosher supermarket was driven by rabid anti-semitism.

But CNN seeks to clarify. Chris Cuomo is talking to grocery expert Isa Soares. It turns out that the kosher supermaket is a Muslim supermarket. It’s not anti-Semitism, after all:



If the BBC Tim Willcox is looking for a new challenge, he’d fit right in at CNN…


Posted: 13th, January 2015 | In: Reviews | Comment

Anti-semitism is thriving: Jews of France keep a bag packed under the bed for the coming Exodus


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France’s Prime Minister Manuel Valls is the Socialist son of Spnish immigrants. He sees the anti-Semitism:

“If 100,000 French people of Spanish origin were to leave, I would never say that France is not France anymore. But if 100,000 Jews leave, France will no longer be France. The French Republic will be judged a failure.”

Stephen Pollard , editor of the Jewish Chronicle tweets:

“Every single French Jew I know has either left or is actively working out how to leave. So, it’s a fluke that the latest target is a kosher grocer, is it? What’s going on in France – outrages that have been getting worse for years – put our antisemitism problems in perspective. It is the largest emigration of Jews anywhere since the war. That’s a simple fact.”





Is it bad?

Jews were the target of 40 per cent of all racist crimes in France in 2013 – even though they comprise less than 1 per cent of the population. Attacks on Jews have risen sevenfold since the 1990s.

The history:

Andrew Hussey, an author and expert on French Muslim affairs, says: “anti-Semitism is a fundamental part of French history and culture in a very damaging way. At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, the petite bourgeoisie felt under threat from the Catholic Church and socialist movements. They turned to the Jews to blame them for every fault in French society, which culminated in the Dreyfus Affair.”




Valls adds:

“There is a new anti-Semitism in France… We have the old anti-Semitism, and I’m obviously not downplaying it, that comes from the extreme right, but this new anti-Semitism comes from the difficult neighborhoods, from immigrants from the Middle East and North Africa, who have turned anger about Gaza into something very dangerous. Israel and Palestine are just a pretext. There is something far more profound taking place now.”

Patrick Worrall looks at the facts:

In 2014, some 6,658 French Jews left for Israel, more than double the 2013 total of 3,263 people. And this was already considerably more than the 1,923 Jews who left France for Israel in 2012…

The official Israeli Aliyah figures only show how many French Jews are moving to Israel. There are plenty of anecdotal reports of people leaving France for London and New York, although we can’t confirm or deny this with statistics.

FactCheck knows of one synagogue in north London that is renting space to a community group for French-speaking Jews, but we don’t know how big a trend this is.

So it is possible that the Jewish “exodus” from France is even bigger. On the other hand, the official figures don’t tell us how much traffic is coming in the opposite direction.

Not many.

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Nearly 75 percent of thousands of French Jews who participated in a recent survey said they are considering emigrating.

The survey, whose results were released Monday by the Paris-based Siona organization of Sephardic French Jews, encompassed 3,833 respondents from the Jewish community of France, Siona said.

Of the 74.2 percent of respondents who said they are considering leaving, 29.9 percent cited anti-Semitism. Another 24.4 cited their desire to “preserve their Judaism,” while 12.4 percent said they were attracted by other countries. “Economic considerations” was cited by 7.5 percent of the respondents.

In total, 95.2 percent of all respondents to the online survey conducted by Siona from April 17 to May 16 said they viewed anti-Semitism as “very worrisome” or “worrisome.”

Slightly more than half, or 57.5 percent, of respondents, said “Jews have no future in France,” while 30.6 percent said there is a future for Jews there.

Asked whether they had personally experienced anti-Semitic incidents in the past two years, 14.5 percent replied in the affirmative but of those, only 21.2 filed a complaint with police. Of the complainants, 27.6 percent indicated that their deposition had led to concrete results.

Melanie Phillips:

The decades-long targeting of French Jews has barely been reported in the British or western media, which subscribe instead to the mantra that the main evil is “Islamophobia”. They ignore the fact that, rooted in Islamic doctrine and appropriating obscene Nazi motifs, demonic Jew-hatred pours daily out of the Muslim world.

Such are the facts…

Pictures: Léon Lipschutz collection of Dreyfusiana and French Judaica

Posted: 12th, January 2015 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comments (2)

Jews deserve to be murdered wherever they are: Well, so says the BBC

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Charlie Hebdo deserved it because of what France does to Muslims. The UK deserved 7/7 because of what the UK does to Muslims. The USA deserved it because of what the USA does to Muslims. The Muslims deserve it because of what Muslims do to Muslims in Syria. The Muslims deserve it because of what Muslism do in Gaza. The Muslims deserve it because of what Muslims do to Jews in Gaza. The Muslims deserve it because of what Muslims do to Christians in Egypt. Buddhists deserve to be murdered because of what they do to Muslims in Mayamar. Muslims deserve it because Hamas makes a virtue of placing civilians in danger and using human shields.

The Jews deserve it because of what Israel does to Muslims.

The Jews deserve it because of the banks. The Jews deserve it because they are all rich. The Jews deserve it because they make Passover with the blood of Christian children. The Jews deserve because they are the darkness that will not embrace the light of Christ. The Jews deserve it because they contol the world. The Jews deserve it because they assimilate and are the ‘spy within’. The Jews deserve it because they control the media. The Jews deserve it because they have a Jewish lobby that dictates wars. The Jews deserve it because they never learn, even after the pogroms and the Holocaust. The Jews deserve it because there is a Jewish country. The Jews have recreated the Warsaw ghetto. The Jews are not worthy of the Holocaust.

The Jews always deserve it.

Well, so they say.

The BBC reporter Tim Willcox is talking to a Jewish woman scared for her future in the face of murderous anti-Semitism:



The Jews always deserve it. But it’s never anti-Semitism. It’s just the way it is…

Posted: 12th, January 2015 | In: Reviews | Comments (6)

What no Muslim anti-semitism? The media focus on Islamophobia ignores attacks on Jews

The Charlie Hebdo massacre and murders at a kosher supermarket in Paris got everyone talking about free speech.

(Their love of free speech ‘no buts…’ won’t last. The Paris free speech rally has morphed into a “unity” rally led by people with no interest in free speech. Gabon’s state-run media regulatory agency, the National Communications Council, suspended three newspapers in 2013, one of them a satirical work. That’s Gabon’s President Ali Bongo on the Paris march. Also marching was US campus censor Eric Holder and:


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Let’s hope someone holds up a Charlie Hebdo cartoon and vomits on them all. If this is who you allow to lead a march to support free speech, you’re doing it wrong.)

But what about the racism?

Why-oh-why was the kosher store targetted? Anyone got the foggiest? Want to guess? The gunman and four hostages died at the Hypercasher supermarket near Porte de Vincennes. Yohan Cohen was murdered when he went for jihadi Amedy Coulibaly’s gun. Yoav Hattab died trying to grabbing one of two weapons held by the racist killer.

In all, Islamists murdered 17 people. Since then the BBC has written the following stories on Islamophobia and anti-Semitism. There have been attacks on Muslim places of worship and stores. Blessedly, the nutters have not hurt anyone.


BBC reports on the Anti-Semitic nature of the assaults:

January 10: “Charlie Hebdo hunt: Bloody end to sieges”

French President Francois Hollande not the BBC used the term:

“We must be implacable towards racism,” he added, saying that the supermarket attack was an “appalling anti-Semitic act”.

Well, if he says attacking a kosher supermarket was based on anti-Semitism, then we won’t argue.

That’s ONE story on anti-semitism.


BBC reports on Islamophbia since the assaults:

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Total: 6 stories.

Does that seem odd to you? The real murders of Jews is less racially motivated than the largely perceived violent backlash against Muslims?

Jews are under threat in France. Only Jews – and this is true for the UK – pray behind guards and fences. Do men with walkie-talkies patrol your church or mosque at prayer time? Is your local Jewish school behind barbed wire? It is in the UK and it is in France.

Teacher Isaac Berg was in the kosher supermarket at the Porte de Vincennes 15 minutes before Friday’s hostage-taking.

“We’re afraid, but what more could the government do to protect us?” he said. “Our schools and places of worship have already been guarded for the last two years. People wouldn’t want a police escort to go shopping.”

In Toulouse in 2012, Mohammad Merah murdered a rabbi and three children at a Jewish school, pulling an eight-year-old girl by her hair to shoot her in the head.

In 2014:

French President Francois Hollande has spoken out against an “unbearable” assault on a young couple near Paris which ministers say was anti-Semitic. The two victims, a woman aged 19 and her boyfriend, 21, were tied up in his family’s flat and the woman was raped.

Their lawyer said three men had burst into the flat, telling the boyfriend: “You Jews, you have money.”

In 2014, a French jihadist was accused of murdering four people in a gun attack on the Jewish museum in the Belgian capital, Brussels.

Since the Paris attacks, the Guardian has written 25 stories in Islamophbia, including:

Charlie Hebdo: Norway didn’t give in to Islamophobia, nor should France. The Charlie Hebdo killers want to provoke anti-Islam sentiment among the public, just as Anders Breivik did. But France must resist

Muslims fear backlash after Charlie Hebdo deaths as Islamic sites attacked

Muslims in Europe fear anti-Islamic mood will intensify after Paris attacks

And two on anti-semitism:

Paris’s Jewish community retreats in shock after deadly end to siege – Residents of neighbourhood where policewoman was shot dead say gunman Amedy Coulibaya intended to target Jewish school

Charlie Hebdo: first they came for the cartoonists, then they came for the Jews

What about the right-wing Press?

Well, the Sun has produced one stopry on Anti-Semitism, which is just that quote again:

But the girlfriend of Islamic extremist gunman Amedy Coulibaly is believed to still be on the loose after the attack which French President Francois Hollande described as a “dreadful anti-Semitic act”. Police have said Hayat Boumeddiene, 26, is “armed and dangerous”.

And two menions of Islamphobia:

Shereen Nanjarani notes in her column: “Wednesday’s attack will only stir up more Islamophobia. And that’s what the terrorists want.”

Well, that and to kill Jews.


NY Daily News blurs cartoon of Mohammed, leaves hooked-nosed Jew

NY Daily News blurs cartoon of Mohammed, leaves hooked-nosed Jew



The other mention in the Sun is this:

THE partner of murdered Charlie Hebdo editor Stephane Charbonnier has described him as “a real hero”.

Jeanette Bougrab was with vehement left-winger Charbonnier – known as Charb – despite having been a minister in Nicolas Sarkozy’s conservative government.

She said: “Stephane was an exceptional person, a real hero, a hero I loved in spite of our very different political views.

“A war has been declared in France. If you have a pencil, someone will kill you. He knew he was under threat, but he still declined government protection for Charlie Hebdo. He was accused of every sin and nobody defended him. Securalism is the fight against fundamentalist, he was ready to die for his ideas. But today those who defend secularism are accused of Islamophobia.”

Such are the facts…

Posted: 11th, January 2015 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comments (2)

Charlie Hebdo Massacre: The Jews did it

People gather to pay their respects to the shooting victims of Mohamed Merah in Toulouse, France, Friday March 23, 2012. France's prime minister fended off suggestions Friday that anti-terrorism authorities fell down on the job in monitoring a radical Islamist who gunned down children, paratroopers and a rabbi in a wave of killings that revolted the country. Merah, who claimed allegiance to al-Qaida died Thursday during a gunfight with police following a 32-hour standoff outside his apartment in the southwestern city of Toulouse. Banner reads:" Jews, Christians, muslims, same God, Love". (AP Photo/Thibault Camus)

People gather to pay their respects to the shooting victims of Mohamed Merah in Toulouse, France, Friday March 23, 2012. France’s prime minister fended off suggestions Friday that anti-terrorism authorities fell down on the job in monitoring a radical Islamist who gunned down Jewish children, paratroopers and a rabbi in a wave of killings that revolted the country.


Yesterday, men screaming ‘“Allahu akbar” murdered 12 people in Paris when they attacked the Charlie Hendo magazine offices. Like you, we know who did it. Yeah. The Jews. Always the Jews.

Writing on the grandly titled International Business Times,  Gopi Chandra Kharel explains all:

Charlie Hebdo Attack and Mossad Link: Is Israel Venting Its Fury For France’s Recognition of Palestine State?


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Headlines ending with a question mark can always be answered ‘no’. But a Jew told me that. So. We should read on…

There is no clarity on which organisation is behind the attack on French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris on Wednesday and therefore, conspiracy theories are gaining traction in internet forums.

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Posted: 8th, January 2015 | In: Reviews | Comments (4)

Howard Jacobson: why Christians make the best Nazis and Islamofascism is a myth

Howard Jacobson nails it. Why only Christians can be Nazis. And why Islamofascism is an amplified myth:

‘Christianity is key here,’ says Jacobson. ‘Muslims have needed the Jew less [historically], although there’s a lot of Muslim anti-Semitism now due to the Middle East. [But] Christianity’s had to leave [Judaism] behind, so it’s had to hate it, it’s had to say, we are not that, we are not that anymore, and then to say we were never that – so that’s a necessary hatred.’

‘And then out of that grew a sense of the possibility that all cultures have to have someone to hate. Not just a scapegoat. It’s more essential than that. Who am I, what am I? I am not that. To the degree you know that, you know who you are.’

Read it all…


Posted: 19th, December 2014 | In: Books | Comment (1)

The Independent’s Problem With The Jews In The Lobby

NOT all Jews are Israelis, just as not all Anglicans are English, not all Muslism are from the Islamic State in the Levant and not all Catholics are Vaticanites.

But to the Indy Jews are all Israelis and all Israelis are Jews, even those Druze fighters for the IDF.




The Indy produced the following:


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That was changed to read:


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Did you spot the difference?

One line remains in both versions:

…pro-Israel lobby is multi-tentacled and incredibly powerful.

Here is a 1943 cartoon from the Nazi magazine Lustige Blätter, showing a Jew with his tentacles wrapped around Britain and America.






The Indy is the paper that featured this from Yasmin Alibhai Brown:

Be scrupulous in your response when people are branded anti-Semites – particularly if their accuser is a loyal friend of Israel. Those pointed at may well be anti-Semitic, but they could also be misrepresented.

Who might be a “loyal friend of Israel” in the Indy?

Do you see shades of Richard Ingrams, who wrote in the Gaurdian:

I have developed a habit when confronted by letters to the editor in support of the Israeli government to look at the signature to see if the writer has a Jewish name. If so, I tend not to read it…

Chesterton wanted Jews to wear the ‘yellow star’:

 “Let a Jew sit on the Woolsack,” he opined, but “let him sit there dressed as an Arab. Let him preach in St Paul’s Cathedral, but let him preach there dressed as an Arab… The point is that we should know where we are; and that he should know where he is, which is in a foreign land.”

But let’s not leave the Indy hanging there. It does emply Howard Jacobson, who wrote:

…you never know what pops out inadvertently, and were I to show, perchance, and just in passing, that I am not party to the near universal anti-Zionism of our times, Richard Ingrams would not want the innocent reader to mistake me for a Papist. Be it known, then: I am a Jew.

And now pause to ask yourself, innocent reader, what I have saved you from. Jewish cunning? A Jew concealing his identity in order to win you round to his way of thinking? But how could I do that, Jewish or otherwise, unless my thinking struck you as persuasive? And would discovering my identity make my reasoning at a stroke unpersuasive? Is there a reader out there so gullible or so easily manipulated that he cannot assess the worth of an argument on its own merits, but first must know the ethnic identity of the person from whom it originates?

Bit offensive to the reader, that. And a bit offensive to the Jew – I say no more – to suppose that once you can know him as a Jew you know the complexion of his mind.

Are you Jews are all in the lobby, literally, unable to enter the main building for fear of polluting the place..?


Posted: 1st, September 2014 | In: Reviews | Comment (1)

Vidal Sassoon: Before The Scissors London’s Top Hairdresser Fought With Knives, Coshes And Knuckledusters

Hairstylist Vidal Sassoon is surrounded by models, showing his new cuts for 1976, in London, on Jan.23, 1976. The styles are called, clockwise from lower left; The Hummingbird, Question Mark, Feathers, Tomboy and Silver Lady. (AP Photo) Ref #: PA.3861982  Date: 23/01/1976

Hairstylist Vidal Sassoon is surrounded by models, showing his new cuts for 1976, in London, on Jan.23, 1976. The styles are called, clockwise from lower left; The Hummingbird, Question Mark, Feathers, Tomboy and Silver Lady. 


VIDAL Sassoon (17 January 1928 – 9 May 2012) not only a famous hairdresser. He was the son of immgrant Jews and raised in a children’s home:

Sassoon recalled England’s hostile political atmosphere earlier this year: “Anti-Semitism was absolutely rife,” he said in a podcast for the Holocaust Memorial Museum. “I mean, it was nothing for another kid to say to you, ‘Dirty Jew.’ And although England was a good place to be, especially with Churchill and the fight against the Nazis, there was always that sense of the Jews being second-class citizens.”

In 1947, the fascists again began menacing London, this time under the tutelage of Jeffrey Hamm, head of an organization of thugs calling themselves the “Association of British Ex-Servicemen.” For Sassoon, this was not a fate to be accepted lying down.

As a response to Hamm’s provocations, a gathering of young Jews known as the 43 Group—named for the number of people in the room at their founding—announced that the fight back had begun. Among them was the slender, if wiry, Sassoon. As Hamm’s followers gathered on street corners bellowing that “not enough Jews were burned at Belsen,” Sassoon and his comrades, armed with knives, coshes, and knuckledusters, set about breaking up fascist meetings. In another interview, Sassoon remembered turning up for work one morning with a black eye. “I just tripped on a hairpin,” he explained to the worried customer who had just settled into a barber’s chair for a haircut.

Read on…

Posted: 30th, August 2014 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Who Cares If Anti-Zionists Are Anti-Semites – But Europe’s Jews Keep A Suitcase Packed Just In Case

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HAVE you noticed the rise and rise of anti-Semitism? It has become acceptable to be anti-Semitic in public. That nod and the wink around the dinner party table has now gone mainstream. The kind of anti-Semitic stuff that you can read throughout the Middle East has awakened Jew hating and Jew baiting in the UK. Sainsbury’s, The Tricycle Theatre and The Edinburgh Fringe have all censored Jews.

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Posted: 21st, August 2014 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comments (10)

Sainsbury’s Removes Jewish Food From Shelves To Appease The Racists

This is an inscription that is to be seen on the roads in the city of Hersbruck in Bavaria, Germany, April 5, 1935. It says: "City of Hersbruck-This beautiful city of Hersbruck, this wonderful place on the globe, was created for Germans only and not for Jews: Therefore Jews are unwanted." (AP Photo)

This is an inscription that is to be seen on the roads in the city of Hersbruck in Bavaria, Germany, April 5, 1935. It says: “City of Hersbruck-This beautiful city of Hersbruck, this wonderful place on the globe, was created for Germans only and not for Jews: Therefore Jews are unwanted.” (AP Photo)


DID  Sainsbury’s remove kosher food in sympathy with Palestinians living under attack from Israel and, many would argue, Hamas in Gaza?

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Posted: 18th, August 2014 | In: Reviews | Comments (3)

The Art of Anti-Semitism: The Tricycle Theatre Only Admits Anti-Israel Jews While The National Prefers The Rich Ones



MANY words have been written about demands by London’s Tricycle Theatre that Jewish Film Festival sever all ties with the city’s Israeli embassy.

Indhu Rubasingham, the theatre’s artistic director, said the festival should not accept funding from “any party to the current conflict” between Israel and Hamas. She added the Tricycle had offered to fund the festival itself, in order to replace sponsorship from the Israeli Embassy in London.

The event has been hosted at the Tricycle for some years. But this year the boss wanted Israel excluded. Ms Rubasingham wanted the Jews who run the film week – which features film and debate from all sides – to refuse Israel’s money, some £1,400. She wanted them to hand back Israeli cash and join her in her moral stance against the country. Comply with her demands and these Jews would be allowed in. And the story of how the Jews of Jewish Film Week handed back Israel’s cash would fly.

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Posted: 11th, August 2014 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comment

Turkish Press Loyal To Erdogan Blames Jews For Soma Mine Disaster

IF you want to see what anti-semitism looks like, head to the Middle East, where books shops and newsagents are full of racism. And take a look at the front page of Turkey’s Yeni Akit newspaper, where the shocking news is that the Soma mine owner’s son-in-law is a Jew. The story is that the Jewish-controlled media has distorted the disaster.

Somas is Turkey’s worst-ever mine disaster. Over 300 people have lost their lives. Police and Government goons have met demonstrations with rubber bullets, tear gas, water cannon and well-heeled boot. The BBC says lawyers linked to Turkey’s opposition movement have been arrested.

The pro-government press continues to support Mr Erdogan [Turkey’s PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan].

Aksam prints on its front page a small photo of the prime minister formally shaking hands with a miner’s relative in the crowd. It is hard to see her face. But it may be that the startling photo of an Erdogan aide (in a smart suit) appearing to kick a protester in Soma comes to symbolise what has happened here. To the prime minister’s opponents, the photo encapsulates their long-held complaints – about a privileged administration that treats dissent as treason.

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Posted: 20th, May 2014 | In: Reviews | Comment

Spanish Town Castrillo Matajudios ‘Considers’ Changing Name From ‘Kill Jews’

jill jewsTHE good people of Castrillo Matajudios , Spain, are to discuss changing the name of the town from “killing Jews” to the pre-Inquisition-era “Jews’ Hill”.

Diario de Burgos says Mayor Lorenzo Rodriguez thinks the time is ripe to change the town’s name to Castrillo Mota de Judios, which means “Castrillo Jews’ Hill.”

Know that in the north of Spain, the phrase “killing Jews” (matar Judios) has become a reference not to intense murderous persecution, rather downing glasses of lemonade spiked with alcohol at Easter.

On Good Friday, April 18, Leon will hold a “matar Judios” fiesta. Locals will chin 40,000 gallons of lemonade to the last drops – or until all the Jews have been eaten.

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Posted: 13th, April 2014 | In: Reviews | Comment

Religious Arizona Business Owners Can Legally Refuse To Serve Gays, Jews, Satanists, Muslims And Other Christians

Peter and Hazelmary Bull (centre) with Christian demonstrators outside Bristol County Court. Mr and Mrs Bull are appearing at the court, where they are being sued by a homosexual couple for refusing to allow them to share a double bed in their Cornish hotel.

Peter and Hazelmary Bull (centre) with Christian demonstrators outside Bristol County Court. Mr and Mrs Bull are appearing at the court, where they are being sued by a homosexual couple for refusing to allow them to share a double bed in their Cornish hotel.


IT is now legal to refuse to serve gays in Arizona shops and hotels – but only if it offends your religious beliefs.

State senators voted Wednesday to let businesses refuse to serve gays based on owners’ “sincerely held” religious beliefs. The 17-13 vote along party lines, with Republicans in the majority, came after supporters defeated an attempt to extend existing employment laws that bar discrimination based on religion and race to also include sexual orientation.

Wow, indeed. Bigotry is ok so long as it complies with rules you believe in. We’re all religious now.

This is intolerance dressed up as equality.

Arizona’s Sen. Steve Yarbrough, R-Chandler explains:

“This bill is not about discrimination. It’s about preventing discrimination against people who are clearly living out their faith.”

Yarborough is the Executive Director of the Arizona Christian School Tuition Organization. He was a co-founder and served on the school board for Valley Christian High School from 1981-2005.

Sen. Yarbrough leads a bipartisan group of legislators and citizen group leaders known as the Arizona Values Action Team which supports public policy that is pro-life, pro-traditional marriage, pro-school choice and pro-religious liberty.




He is not alone:

“We are trying to protect people’s religious liberties,” said Rep. Steve Montenegro, R-Litchfield Park. “We don’t want the government coming in and forcing somebody to act against their religious sacred faith beliefs or having to sell out if you are a small-business owner.”

As he notes, “it could soon be legal for Satanists to discriminate against Christians in Arizona.”

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Posted: 21st, February 2014 | In: Politicians, Reviews | Comment

Comedy Books On Sale At The Dachau Concentration Camp Museum Teach Germans About Those Funny Jews



EXIT via the gift shop. Goldblog spotted one at the German”s Dachau concentration camp. Rachel Salamander’s bookshop “Literaturhandlung”, in the visitors’ center of the Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site, “specialises in the history of Dachau Concentration Camp and those persecuted by the Nazi regime, but books on related topics are also available. There are also a number of books on Jewish culture and literature.”

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Posted: 21st, February 2014 | In: Reviews, The Consumer | Comment

On This Day: January 20 1942 – Nazis Meet At Wansee To Plan The Final Solution



ON January 20, 1942  “The following took part in the conference on the final solution (Endloesung) of the Jewish question”. The meeting was held in Berlin, Am Grossen Wannsee No. 56-58.

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Posted: 20th, January 2014 | In: Flashback | Comments (2)

Penzance: How The Market Jew Got His Illuminated Christmas Knickers

penzance pant lights

WHAT do you see when you view the Christmas lights in Penzance, Cornwall.

Some see Christmas puddings.

Others see leopard print underwear dangling from a washing line.

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Posted: 18th, December 2013 | In: Reviews, Strange But True | Comment

Jews To Blame For Russell Brand


A TAXI Driver explains Russell Brand to Brendan O’Neill:

“That Russell Brand, he’s being manipulated. I mean he used to go out with that Jemima Khan, didn’t he, and she got him to do the New Statesman, and of course she’s the sister of Zac Goldsmith, and the daughter of James Goldsmith, and the Goldsmiths are totally married into the Rothschilds, and those billionaire bankers really control what we hear about in this country, and they’re always distracting us from what’s really going on, cos they don’t want us to know who has power, and so they’ve given us Russell Brand to do some funny politics so that we don’t see the real sh*t that’s happening.”

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Posted: 7th, November 2013 | In: Celebrities | Comment

So. Why did an Iranian nutter knife a rabbi in Paris?



THE Associated Press reports a man of Iranian origin escaped from a psychiatric institution and knifed a rabbi and his 18-year-old son (both wearing yamulkas). His was stopped by a witnessed who chased him through a Paris synagogue.

The AP say “an official investigation was underway to determine a possible motive”.

It’s walking like a duck…

The Simon Wiesenthal Center, which monitors anti-Semitic incidents worldwide, said in a statement that the assailant screamed “Allah-u-Akbar” — or “God is great” — during the attack.

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Posted: 25th, April 2013 | In: Reviews | Comment

LibDem MP David Ward says Jews are Nazis – why can’t they be cossacks or Egyptians?

IN readiness for Holocaust Memorial Day,  LibDem MP David Ward takes to his website to call the Jews Nazis:

“Having visited Auschwitz twice – once with my family and once with local schools – I am saddened that the Jews, who suffered unbelievable levels of persecution during the Holocaust, could within a few years of liberation from the death camps be inflicting atrocities on Palestinians in the new State of Israel and continue to do so on a daily basis in the West Bank and Gaza.”

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Posted: 26th, January 2013 | In: Politicians | Comments (7)

Identify the object

CAN you identify this object? The answer is on page 2.

Posted: 29th, November 2012 | In: Flashback | Comment

On anti-Semitism, Jews and child molesting in Melbourne

SMALL that? Australia’s The Age reports “Jewish community embroiled in new child sex charges.”

Is the race relevant? Are Jews more predisposed to child sex?  A NEW child sex scandal has hit Melbourne’s Jewish community, with a man to stand trial next year on 27 charges of sexual intercourse with a child under 16, sexual penetration of a child under 16 and indecent acts.

The name of the man, the organisation and the victims have been suppressed, but Fairfax Media understands the charges involve a Jewish organisation.

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Posted: 29th, November 2012 | In: Reviews | Comments (2)