

Posts Tagged ‘measles’

Measles are for cool kids: extracts from Melanie’s Marvelous Measles (the only book you’ll ever read!)

MEASLES are back. And that’s cool. Measles is the hipster disease.

The great thing about measles is that they are FREE! But even then some mums and dads are too uptight to get with the cool.

But in Melanie’s Marvelous Measles these stiffs can get down (six feet under -ed). The books costs. But it is worth it?

Let’s see:


melanie's marvelous measles


The author/publisher writes on Amazon:

“Melanie’s Marvelous Measles was written to educate children on the benefits of having measles and how you can heal from them naturally and successfully. Often today, we are being bombarded with messages from vested interests to fear all diseases in order for someone to sell some potion or vaccine, when, in fact, history shows that in industrialized countries, these diseases are quite benign and, according to natural health sources, beneficial to the body. Having raised three children vaccine-free and childhood disease-free, I have experienced many times when my children’s vaccinated peers succumb to the childhood diseases they were vaccinated against. Surprisingly, there were times when my unvaccinated children were blamed for their peers’ sickness. Something which is just not possible when they didn’t have the diseases at all. Stephanie Messenger lives in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, and devotes her life to educating people about vaccine dangers and supporting families in their natural health choices. She has the support of many natural therapists and natural-minded doctors.”





The author writes:

This book takes children aged 4 – 10 years on a journey of discovering about the ineffectiveness of vaccinations, while teaching them to embrace childhood disease, heal if they get a disease, and build their immune systems naturally.

Readers on Amazon love it!


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Buy now and buy only ONCE!

And don’t forget to rub it all over youir infected kid before passing it on!

Note: She also wrote this:

Sarah Visits a Naturopath
A children’s storybook written by Stephanie Messenger

This book exposes children aged 4 – 10 years, to the idea that they create most of their ill health by the choices they make. It encourages them to listen to the messages their bodies give them. Sarah visits a naturopath to get advice on staying well according to nature’s laws.

A naturopath speaks…

Posted: 9th, February 2015 | In: Books, Key Posts, Strange But True | Comment