
Anorak News | Trouble & Strife

Trouble & Strife

by | 3rd, October 2003

‘COR blimey, guv’nor – Madonna’s love affair with London is apparently on the wane and she is reneging on her promise to spend half of each year over here.

Madonna chained herself to a pole in protest

So says National Enquirer gossip editor Mike Walker, who claims that mockney hubbie Guy Ritchie is furious with his trouble ‘n’ strife.

“She’s way past the deadline for the move back to Blighty because she’s lovin’ LA,” reports a jowly Mike.

“And she wants to supervise construction of a new Kabbalah Centre she’s backing financially.”

Guy’s apparently got his Alan Whickers in a twist, insisting that Madge and the bin lids hop on a David Blaine and come back to the gates of Rome.

But his missus has given him two longers and lingers, preferring to stay Stateside and slip her Brigham Young down Britney Spears’ nanny goat.

Or something like that…’

Posted: 3rd, October 2003 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink