
Anorak News | Online Dancing

Online Dancing

by | 25th, November 2003

‘HOW popular the new football laureate’s chants will prove to be is something that only time will tell.

”Roulez le baril”

They might make it to the airwaves in a pub near you if, as the Independent reports, the jukebox goes the way of the snob screen and spitoon and is replaced by a new generation of music machines hooked up to the Internet.

The paper solicits the expertise of a technical nerd to tell us how these new record players will stream songs over a broadband link in something called ”real time”.

With two million songs on tap, the pub dweller will be confronted with a vast array of tunes. No longer will the selection be Wham’s Club Tropicana or The Alarm’s 68 Guns.

Not when you can listen to Roll Out The Barrel in 35 languages in real time.’

Posted: 25th, November 2003 | In: Broadsheets Comment | TrackBack | Permalink