
Anorak News | The Brain Drain

The Brain Drain

by | 12th, December 2003

‘THE original Brain Drain saw dozens of scientists and academics flee these shores for the New World, trading in the pittance they were paid here for the big bucks of the United States.

Basildon School of Nail Technology’s loss was our gain

However, are we now witnessing the start of a second Brain Drain with tomorrow’s Nobel laureates being seduced by the blandishments offered by the glamorous world of glamour modelling?

We ask this because having lost Lucy Pinder, who this summer postponed her studies in favour of showing off her FF chest to Star readers, the world of academe looks like losing another pair.

Crackin’ college twins Rebecca and Sarah Addison are taking a year’s break from their (unspecified) studies, swapping homework for “promotion” work.

And this morning that means the strangely orange coloured sister act are promoting the Daily Star Student Of The Month contest – “a fantastic contest with a whopping £2,000 first prize”.

No doubt that means more AA students will be quitting college to show off their DD charms.

But where will it all end? We already have the Sun’s Page 3 girl offering her comment on the big issues of the day. Can we expect to see Stephen Hawking appearing as a Chippendale?’

Posted: 12th, December 2003 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink