
Anorak News | Hour Of Need

Hour Of Need

by | 22nd, December 2003

‘THERE’S nothing new about checking into a hotel for half an hour in the middle of the day.

Mr Smidge and Miss Robinson get 40 winks

Certain establishments were making a good living from this sort of arrangement in the days when a succession of furtive-looking couples would sign themselves in as ”Mr and Mrs Smith”.

But the latest initiative in short-stop service is altogether more open and unapologetic.

For some time, selected motels in the Travelodge chain have been offering half-hour £5 ”catnap and coffee” breaks for what the Independent calls ”tired motorists”.

These have proved so popular that the offer is being extended across the entire chain, and the time has been increased to an hour, followed by a wake-up call.

”We were amazed at how well our initiative was received,” said a spokesman.

We can confirm this from our own observations. Such is the demand, that many tired motorists appeared to be doubling-up with complete strangers.

And in the case of Mr Reg Smidge of the Imperial Paper Clip Company of West Bromwich, the effects of his catnap and coffee with Miss Ruth Robinson, his young-at-heart secretary of 34 years’ standing, seemed positively miraculous.

And if you are reading this Mr Smidge, then treat this as a bonus ”wake-up call”, courtesy of Anorak – the website that is proud to call itself the nation’s moral guardian.’

Posted: 22nd, December 2003 | In: Broadsheets Comment | TrackBack | Permalink