
Anorak News | If You Can’t Make It There

If You Can’t Make It There

by | 23rd, December 2003

‘LAST year we looked on as Jack Ryder was cast into oblivion when his EastEnders’ character, Jamie Mitchell, became brown bread.

The Devil makes work for idle hands…

The year ahead was to be full of film roles, billings as the ”New Englishman in Hollywood”, fame, fortune and, just perhaps, even an Oscar or three.

And so it was to prove. And 12 months on Jack is in New York, appearing in a play with his wife, the singer Kym Marsh.

In this off-off-Broadway production, Kym and Jack walk the streets of the Big Apple talking about life, love and happiness.

OK! trots alongside, acting as a narrator to this piece of mobile theatre.

”Do you think playing Jamie Mitchell has been a hindrance as people are now typecasting you?” asks OK!

It’s a cutting take on humour that many Americans following events might well miss.

Jack does corpses well and, if the role demands that he plays dead and not actually speak or move, then so be it. He is but a humble player.

Of course, this role requires so much more versatility. On the plane over, Jack hyperventilated. In Central Park, Jack bit into a pretzel. And when the car in which he and Kym were travelling in passed Ground Zero a hush fell upon him.

Kym stared out of the window. ”You really notice the gap in the skyline, she offers. ”It’s very chilling.”

And, as she says just a few passages on: ”It’s good to chill out because it’s going to be hectic over Christmas.”

For you and this turkey three, guys. For you and the turkey three…’

Posted: 23rd, December 2003 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink