
Anorak News | You’ve Been Married

You’ve Been Married

by | 18th, February 2004

‘FOLLOWING in the footsteps of Jeremy Beadle and Lisa Riley is no easy challenge, but if one man can take You’ve Been Framed on that extra mile it’s the show’s new face, Jonathan Wilkes.

Jonathan and a friend

To help us familiarise ourselves with who Wilkes is, Hello! hotfooted it over to Los Angeles to watch the man who presents hilarious home videos for a living tie the knot with dancer Nikki Wheeler.

Nikki with a double k is blonde and dressed in white, as is the way with these things.

She is also on very good terms with Wilkes’ best mate in the whole wide world, the man known to millions of us as Robbie Williams and to millions more Americans as, er, yeah, whatshisname.

To affirm her link to Williams, Hello! mentions that Nikki with a double k has danced in support to his act and shows her standing between her husband and the pop singer.

And that’s pretty much all you need to know, what with there only being another nine guests at Robbie house, where the entire wedding event was staged.

“The best thing of all was that my dad came,” says Nikki with a double k. ”He’s terrified of flying and said he wouldn’t make it but then he turned up and surprised me.”

How thoughtful of him to come, and how thoughtful of English girl Nikki with a double k to get married in America, so forcing her dear old dad to confront his terrors head on.

It’s all the more thoughtful when we learn that the entire wedding, reception and speeches were over in a flash. The happy couple returned to their room by 8:30pm and were asleep by 10pm.

“We were so emotionally drained!” says Wilkes.

Well, when you’ve spoken to each guest for half an hour each and stopped the bride’s dad from shaking, bed becomes the only option?’

Posted: 18th, February 2004 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink