
Anorak News | Pukka Off

Pukka Off

by | 12th, March 2004

‘WHEN Posh gets round to holding her luncheon, you can bet your bottom dollar that Channel 4 will be kicking on her door, keen to film the entire event.


But Posh would be well advised to tell them to “fuck off!” She might consider calling the man with the boom a “jism-faced prick”.

But she should resist the urge, since Channel 4 only affords celebrities one swear word apiece, and Posh should take care not to exceed her quota lest she look like a foul-mouthed yobbo of the lowest order.

By way of a guide to swearing, the Telegraph has taken a preludial glance at the broadcaster’s new self-promotional advert in which top celebrities (Graham Norton, Jamie Oliver etc.) are asked to say their favourite swear word.

For the record, there are nine mentions of the world “cunt”, which, as the paper tells us, has been identified as the word viewers find the most offensive.

This, of course, is edgy and sexy and er, whatever else TV executives want it to be.

However, to us poor humble men and women in the street, it seems simply a desperate move by a failing company. Oh, pardon us, we meant to say that it is complete and utter shit.’

Posted: 12th, March 2004 | In: Broadsheets Comment | TrackBack | Permalink