
Anorak News | Cherry Picking

Cherry Picking

by | 16th, June 2004

‘IF 50 years there had been auction for Robert Kilroy Silk’s virginity, we feel sure the bids would have reached up into the hundreds of thousands, even millions, of pounds.

‘How am I going to explain this on eBay?’

But student David Vardy is no Kilroy – for a start, his face is a worryingly pasty colour caused no doubt by spending too much time in front of his computer.

And he has only been able to put a £6,000 reserve price on his cherry when he decided to auction it on eBay.

But the Express says the 19-year-old geek had already received offers from eight would-be Mrs Robinsons before the auction site pulled his ad.

‘The ideal situation would be if it was a really nice woman,’ he said. ‘If she did offer £6,000, then, sure, I might as well do it.’

The paper says David’s stunt comes months after 18-year-old lesbian Rosie Reid auctioned off her virginity, receiving £8,400 for sleeping with a divorced middle-aged father-of-two in a Euston hotel room.

‘It was horrible,’ she said of the experience. ‘It was very uncomfortable but it was over quite quickly, I suppose.’

Vardy said he had never had a serious girlfriend because ‘I’ve been wrapped up in multi-media projects, so I’ve not had time’ but added that bidders would have to trust that he was a virgin.

If they’re not convinced, a quick glance at his picture in the paper should remove any shred of doubt…’

Posted: 16th, June 2004 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink