
Anorak News | Get Jay Walking

Get Jay Walking

by | 7th, July 2004

‘JUST when you thought Becki could not possibly become any less popular, someone had the bright idea of turning her into Posh Spice.

Expel him!

Her chances of surviving the week are now less then those of a plump cow in an Albanian abattoir. And that’s appropriate, because Becki is simply offal (geddit?).

Her only chance of staying in the house beyond Friday’s eviction night is if anyone watching notices Ahmed, the other housemate up for the boot.

And why Ahmed? Why not Jason? Why not Jason? Why not Jason? We ask the questions, but no answer is forthcoming. Why not Jason?

Jason is not up for eviction this week. Indeed, Jason has not been up for eviction any week.

And odder still is the fact that he’s not yet been thrown out. Jason has received two formal warnings from Big Brother. Three and he’s out.

But since discussing nominations is worthy of an official reprimand – and he’s broken this rule on more than 30 occasions – why has he not been chucked out on his ear?

Let’s get rid of Jason. This turgid show is painful to watch at the best of times, but with him around it’s less desirable than, well, Jason.

And we had thought that was impossible…’

Posted: 7th, July 2004 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink