
Anorak News | Representative Democracy

Representative Democracy

by | 16th, July 2004

‘MORE happy news for Michael Howard this merry morning.

Folksetone is a safer place today

First he picks over the bones of the latest by-election hammerings. Then he turns to the later pages for some light relief.

And there he discovers news of the Conservative councillor Robert Richdale, who is a rum old cove, to say the least.

“Killer, paedophile, drug addict, thief, forger, jailbird,” says the Mirror, as it profiles the self-styled “family man” who won a seat on Folkestone East council last month.

Now that he has been rumbled, Richdale has come out fighting. “I’m not a pervert really,” he says. “I don’t see that being on the Sex Offenders’ Register was a big deal. It’s all in the past now.”

Hear, hear. And as for all the other stuff, well, let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

However, the most worrying thing for the Tories is that Richdale says he became a Tory candidate by signing a piece of paper that he didn’t read.

Perhaps he thought he had wandered into some drop-outs centre and was signing up for some kind of benefit. Whatever.

There is some good news for Mr Howard, though. “He is a marvellous man and will be Prime Minister one day,” says Richdale. “I think he liked me and all I have been doing for him on the streets of Folksetone.”

Mr Howard’s views are not known.’

Posted: 16th, July 2004 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink