
Anorak News | Chest Amazing

Chest Amazing

by | 25th, September 2004


‘And when they were only half way in…’

After hearing a couple of week’s back, via the Enquirer, that Dolly Parton’s breasts were trying to kill her, we hope Jessica’s chest has not gone down the same road.

Once inside the magazine, we’re relieved to read that they have not, and Jessica’s boobs have not been moving in for the kill, but migrating north.

Moments later, in an illustrative still, Jessica’s boobs are down. Later on, in another picture, they are only half way up, neither up nor down.

Jessica is the Grand Old Duke of York of Hollywood stars – though we hasten to add she has not, to our knowledge, had 10,000 men and is happily married to that “wanksta” of no little repute, Nick Lachey.

As for Jessica’s breasts, the secret is that they are raised and lowered by an ingenious cantilevered system known as the Cosobella bra.

But try not tell everyone. If you do, Jessica’s breasts might just have to kill you…’

Posted: 25th, September 2004 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink