
Anorak News | Desperate Dan

Desperate Dan

by | 4th, November 2004

”HOW can 59,017,382 people be so dumb?” ask the Mirror’s front page. And it’s a good question.

‘I’ve got big tits, me!’

But the number is not the Mirror’s circulation figures, rather the number of people who believe Dan Corsi is dating Kerry McPadding out of something approaching love.

One who’s not fooled by this character – who dated Kerry before she married Brian McPadding and has in the past stepped out with actress Martine McCutcheon and singer Natalie Appleton – is the former Westlife singer.

Sources tell the Mirror that the Irish warbler is convinced that Dan is bad news, nothing more than a chancer trying to worm his way into the limelight.

And Brian’s told Kerry his fears, who, as the story goes, took it badly, believing it to be none of his business.

It’s an entirely private matter between Kerry and Dan Corsi – that’s Dan Corsi.

So what if Dan Corsi is out for himself. It’s just something Kerry will have to work out for herself now she’s a free agent.

But Brian – that’s Brian – is not giving up that easily and last night he apparently not only recognised the Mirror’s dire 3am Girls but bothered to talk to them.

“Obviously what I want is for Kerry to be happy, but knowing how emotional she is right now I hope she’s going to take time before jumping into anything.”

Like bed, you mean, with Dan Corsi – that’s Dan Corsi.

D…a…n…C…o…r…s…i. That’s Delta, Alpha, November, Charlie…’

Posted: 4th, November 2004 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink