
Anorak News | The C Word

The C Word

by | 9th, December 2004

‘“SO, is this really the most OFFENSIVE image in Britain?” asks the Sun of a picture depicting what looks at first glance like a traditional nativity scene.

Mr and Mrs C word

It is only on closer inspection that we begin to understand the paper’s anger.

For, in the lead role cradling the infant Messiah are not David and Victoria (as we are accustomed to seeing) but a non-celebrity couple from Nazareth.

The bearded man is identified as one Mr Joseph Christ, a carpenter, and his wife Mrs Mary Christ, a virgin.

How they came to replace the Beckhams in the lead roles is a story for another day, but it is little wonder that politically correct jobsworths are trying to have the image banned.

And the Sun has launched its own Save Our Christmas campaign to try to preserve the traditional image of David and Victoria (and their nanny) cradling the infant Brooklyn.

“Festive traditions are facing gradual extinction,” it says, “thanks to barmy [are there any other kind?] bureaucrats who WRONGLY believe they are offensive to followers of religions other than Christianity.”

The Red Cross, for instance, has apparently banned staff from putting up advert calendars that contain pictures of David and Victoria or anything else connected with Christmas.

Library bosses in High Wycombe have banned posters advertising carol services; council bosses in Luton have renamed their Christmas lights Luminos; and jobcentres have been ordered to take down Christmas trees and decorations in offices used by customers.

But most offensive of all is the growing practice of sending out greetings cards featuring the Blessed Couple with not a mention of the C word…’

Posted: 9th, December 2004 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink