
Anorak News | Get Out Claus!

Get Out Claus!

by | 21st, December 2004

‘LET’S hope Father Christmas isn’t busy buying your presents in some discount binge market in France.

Yves Santa Laurent

If he is, then he’d best check the ferry sailing times and the look on the faces of French fishermen and work out if he can make it back to Blighty in time for present giving.

This is a serious business, for, the Times reports, those French fishermen have already blockaded one port, causing a ferry to abort its trip from Dover yesterday.

Protestors, lined up in 30 boats outside Boulogne-sur-Mer harbour, were upset about the European Commission’s proposal to ban fishing in some parts of the North Sea.

And they have not an ounce of seasonal cheer, refusing the SeaFerries catamaran access even when a passenger on board fell ill.

The only concession came when a spokesman for Les Humbugs said that ferries to ports such as Calais and Dunkirk would be able to get through…but only after long delays.

So, unless you want to spend Christmas on the ocean waves in the company of a gang of surly French fisherman, best forgo the soft cheese and stick to the usual British fare.

But don’t worry about Santa not making it over, the Frenchies’ stance will be our gain – as we’ll get their presents as well.

Little Jake might not get that discount computer console he wanted, but the cheap wine and fags will dull his pain…’

Posted: 21st, December 2004 | In: Uncategorized Comment | TrackBack | Permalink