‘THE Independent brings news of a blip in the steep upward curve that represents the success story of the Apple iPod.
‘Not the horn again’ |
The paper reports that this year’s must-have Christmas gadget – the iTrip, which allows the music player to broadcast through FM radios – has been deemed illegal.
It contravenes the Wireless Telegraphy Act, and the regulator Ofcom has said that anyone using it faces a possible two-year jail sentence.
It is at this point that we here at Anorak must clear our throats and gaze at the floor in embarrassment.
For it transpires that we too are guilty of an inadvertent breach of the broadcasting regulations.
Our latest product, the Executive ComfiSlax range of smart but durable leisurewear, contain extra-large metal zips which, if worn too close to radio masts, can interfere with radio signals.
Some readers have written to say that, when worn while using portable wirelesses, the trousers have acted as subsidiary transmitters, and caused military brass band music to be broadcast for miles around.
Of course, these letters have contained congratulations rather than complaints, but we must ask readers to desist from writing anything that could be incriminatory, lest it should fall into the hands of government busybodies.
And we should point out to Mr Smidge of Bexley that the practice he describes involving his zip is not only a broadcasting offence, but could also be deemed obscene, and carries a maximum ten-year sentence.’
Posted: 23rd, December 2004 | In: Uncategorized Comment | TrackBack | Permalink