
Anorak News | Fit To Shop

Fit To Shop

by | 6th, January 2005

‘IF modern day celebrities are typical women of our time, the Sun’s news that the average British woman spends £100,000 on clothes in a lifetime seems more than a little spurious.

Spend it like Beckham

Indeed, the paper shares our initial doubt as to the validity of this apparent fact and shows a picture of Coleen McLouglin, footballer Wayne Rooney’s “shopaholic” girlfriend, and the qualifier: “We said in a lifetime, Coleen, not lunchtime.”

But, if we’ve learnt one thing from the myriad of surveys that pass for tabloid news, it is that they are never wrong and the clear truth is that from the age of 14 a woman spends an average of £124 a month on shoes and clothes.

For the record, based on the 3,000 women polled by an insurance firm, the female shopper forks out £43,000 on tops, £22,000 on shoes, £12,000 on skirts and £19,000 on accessories.

But why? Why is it that women spend this amount on clothes? The obvious answer is that they do not earn any more money and so are forced to make do.

However, the Sun’s fashion editor thinks the average bill is quite high and blames celebs like Posh and Coleen “who have turned buying frocks into an art form”.

The Mirror has no such in-house expertise to call upon, so instead solicits the opinion of a psychologist by the name of Christine Webber.

Says she: “Women spend in a bid to cheer themselves up or boost self-esteem.”

And what better way to do that than trying to look like Her Poshness…’

Posted: 6th, January 2005 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink