
Anorak News | Beneath The Veil

Beneath The Veil

by | 6th, September 2005

‘SO much for Osama bin Laden, Omar Bakri a gang of racist, murderous lunatics from Yorkshire and any other members of the Muslim world that have fascinated the Sun for so long.

‘Now I just need to find a Muslim footballer to date’

It’s long overdue that we heard from the Muslim women, who have been as notable in their absence from the mainstream news as they have from the streets of Iraq.

But at last, after months of waiting, the Sun spots “stunning” Hammasa Kohistani, and it likes what it sees.

Hammasa has yet to be fully integrated into British society and do as Neval, 23, from London, does and pose topless to deliver her “NEWS IN BRIEFS”. But that doesn’t mean to say she’s not aware of her winning feminine looks, and does not how to use them to the full.

In case you did not know, the Sun reminds us that Hammasa has just been crowned the first Muslim Miss England. And, no, before you ask, this is no alternative to the main event, a Muslim-only contest where girls wow the judges in the burka section and speak of their dreams for an Islamic superstate and a preference for men with beards you can really get hold of.

This is the main event. And Hammasa won because she was the best in show. She was also determined, battling through what her mum, who brought to Britain from Afghanistan when she was aged 9, calls a “backlash from Muslim fundamentalists”.

To the Sun, the extremists become a “Muslim hate mob”, even if the group was, perhaps, comprised of a solitary God botherer with a crayon – Hammasa was sent a drawing of the ‘evil eye’.

But Hammasa is as unbowed as she is unveiled. She’s proud of her achievement. “My mother came from a background that oppressed women,” says she. “It made me realise girls who have a chance to make themselves heard should make the most of it.”

Of course, not everyone is as photogenic and light-eyed as Hammasa, who sits in the Express as the “MUSLIM BEAUTY QUEEN”.

It’s the fist interview with the new Miss England since her “historic win”, and the paper tells its readers that she will speak of “her family’s flight from war-torn Afghanistan”, “how she defied religious criticism” and “how taking two bottles into the shower is so very wrong”.

She’s an impressive girl. All the more so now we’ve learnt of her 11 GCSEs at grade A* to C, spotted the thigh-high slit in her dress and heard of her desire to travel and learn more about other cultures.

Today Liverpool’s Olympia Theatre and England, tomorrow the Miss world title in China.

And then… Well, who knows? The life of Miss World is storied and spectacular. Whether it be marriage to Bruce Forsythe, a pop career or the chance to open the new Saver Centre in Hounslow, we wish you well…’

Posted: 6th, September 2005 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink