
Anorak News | That’s Richie

That’s Richie

by | 1st, November 2005

‘IN keeping with the OK! launch in the States, the magazine has lined up an interview with American slimster Nicole Richie.

‘Looks like it’s me time again’

With Victoria Beckham’s girth, Geri Halliwell’s talent and Paris Hilton’s friendship, Richie is every inch the modern celebrity.

OK! has even sponsored Nicole’s 24th birthday party, a themed event in honour of Studio 54, the famous 1970s New York nightclub that everyone who was anyone went to.

OK! caught up with Nicole after the party. And heard what she thought about Nicole.

Does Nicole ever reflect on her life? “A few years ago, you were having some drug problems, and now you’re a Hollywood star with book deal, a CD and a new movie,” says OK!.

“I think of myself as very lucky, considering the road I went down,” says Nicole. “It was difficult to turn toward the right direction initially, but now I see how amazing my life is, it was so worth it!”

For sure. Nicole’s life is amazing. And we too are lucky that Nicole stops by to tell us just how amazing it is.

Well, she would wouldn’t she. She is a Virgo! “I’m a Virgo,” says Nicole, using her fascinating star sign to help the eleven twelths of the watching world understand what it is to be her.

“Now that I’m growing up and branching out and meeting lots of different people, I’m really seeing how blessed I am and what a good life I have.” Amazing. Truly.

And what’s more – more! – she has sushi at least three times a week. “I feel very lucky that I can do what I love and get paid for it,” says she. “A lot of people have to take a job because they need the money…”

But then not everyone can be Nicole. Not everyone can be a Virgo…’

Posted: 1st, November 2005 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink