
Anorak News | Copy Writers

Copy Writers

by | 22nd, November 2005

‘NO! Really? You mean children cheat at coursework? They get their parents to help them! They download essays from the Internet! They copy from last year’s students! Tell us it ain’t so!

‘And that’s when I split the atom’

We would not have believed it had we not heard it from the respected source that is Ruth Kelley, the young lad who rose to be Education Secretary.

As the Times reports, Kelly is calling for a review of coursework for GCSEs and A-levels after the examination watchdog found evidence of widespread cheating.

The paper says that a two-year review by the Qualification and Curriculum Authority has unearthed a “virtual free-for-all” among students, teachers and parents in carrying out school assignments.

(The Guardian says that last year 3,600 teenagers were caught breaching the rules – a 9% rise on the previous year.)

The investigation uncovered something called “coursework cloning”, where teachers give students too much help, so making junior seem brighter, and the teacher look more effective.

But it is all to end. As the Telegraph says on its cover page, Kelly has told Ken Boston, the QCA’s chief executive, to see if coursework is right for all subjects.

“Coursework should be used only where it is the most valid way of assessing subject specific skills,” says she.

And Kelly wants parents to stop helping their children so much. Kelly knows best, and she plans to give mum and dad “clear guidance on what is, or is not, permissible”.

If little Armani wants to pass her exams she’ll have to do the work herself. And if that means staying up late to watch EastEnders for her media studies project then so be it…’

Posted: 22nd, November 2005 | In: Uncategorized Comment | TrackBack | Permalink