
Anorak News | Driving Games

Driving Games

by | 23rd, November 2005

‘WANNA new computer game for Christmas? Of course you do. And the good news is that this new game is free to play.

Got a light?

The Telegraph reports that the Home Office has just unveiled its new machine.

To qualify for your free game on the console that will cost between £500 and £1,000, you need to be driving a car in a manner that attracts the attention of the police.

Perhaps you will be young, black and behind the wheel of a vehicle better than the one piloted by the patrolman who’s just signalled for you to pull over.

The cop will then present you with the device and invite you to study the screen. You need to press the left and right buttons, depending on which way the arrow is pointing.

Easy for some. But the police think it’s not so simple for people on drugs. The idea is that anyone who’s just smoked a joint will be unable to comprehend the system and either fall about laughing or try to eat the thing.

However, we would like to point out one possible flaw with this system. We are, naturally, no experts in drug taking, but we are told by certain members of the IT department that smoking drugs and playing computer games need not be mutually exclusive. Indeed, one can complement the other.

The risk is that anyone on drugs will be better than those not on them. The guilty yoof indulges in free and faultless game play for hours – while the middle-aged Luddite is hauled before the Beak on a charge of being off his face on crystal meth…’

Posted: 23rd, November 2005 | In: Uncategorized Comment | TrackBack | Permalink