
Anorak News | The Wedding List

The Wedding List

by | 1st, December 2005

‘HAVING invited Davy-vid and Victoria Beckham to his wedding to Katie Holmes, Tom Cruise can surely expect a decent gift from the footballer who the Suns says earned £47,500 a day last year.

A gift

But in case Dayve is stumped for an idea as to what to buy the groom Cruise has produced a wedding list.

Yes, we know. There is something crass in sending out an invitation to your friends and family wrapped around a list of your demands. If a child were to do this for their birthday, you’d think them greedy, spoilt and hard to like. But such is the way of these things that wedding lists are de rigueur.

But what’s on the list? What do you get Tom and Katie?

The Sun has seen the list and tells us that the deliriously happy couple are in need of a gravy boat, wine glasses, a dinner service and a coffee pot.

And you can get these and more at the Beverly Hills branch of Nieman Marcus, or Needless Markup as Anorak’s American office know it by…’

Posted: 1st, December 2005 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink