
Anorak News | Es Are Bad

Es Are Bad

by | 13th, March 2006


A selection of things that will kill you and yours from last week’s paper of doom…


“Bird flu kills ten gulls in Channel ferry port” – Bird flu is close; not that H5N1 flu, but another strain

“Thin people still risk ‘bad cholesterol’” – Study at Brunel University found “almost identically high” levels of LDL cholesterol (which blocks arteries) in fat and thin people who did not exercise

“Vitamin E ‘may be a health hazard’” – The gamma-tocopherol form of the vitamin – found in many of the vitamin E supplements on the UK market – is a destroyer of animal cells

“Consultant told us our healthy baby should be aborted” – Tests showed Jaxon Scott was brain damaged. Parents ignored advice. And gave birth to a perfectly healthy boy


“My GP said I was too young to get breast cancer. Within a week I was fighting for my life” – Nicky Walsh was 26 when the cancer struck

“Bottle-feeding baby raises risk of adult obesity” – University of Bristol investigates drinking issue

“How 24-hour drinking undermines lessons in good morals” – David Chapman, Chairman of the Society of Headmasters and Headmistresses of independent schools, says drinking is “probably the single greatest threat to the morale of our nation”

“I saved my father from a hospital nightmare” – “Joy Persaud always believed in the NHS until her father suffered a stroke. But after days of seeing him neglected on filthy wards, with doctors who didn’t know who he was and agency nurses who didn’t seem to care, she decided to take matters into her own hands”


Chelsea lose to Barcelona. Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho blames NHS, bird flu, new Labour etc. etc. etc.


“Addictive ‘cocktail’ may damage young brains” – E133 brilliant blue; E104 quinoline yellow; E621 monosodium glutamate; and E951 aspartame are all, according to a study by the Soil Association, potentially harmful to health when taken together

“The NHS is the Titanic of health care. Shifting the deck-chairs yet again won’t save it” – Writes Melanie Phillips

“KNIFED BY THE FAST TRACKS DOCTORS” – “In a bid to reduce waiting lists, Labour decided to ship in surgeons from abroad. The result, as this report by Britain’s leading investigative journalist reveals, has been a litany of botched operations and patients left in agony”

“Diets can hurt you and your baby, pregnant mothers told” – Dr Emma Derbyshire, of Manchester Metropolitan University, does the research


Iran ‘could unleash terror across Britain’” – Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is public enemy No.1

“Low oxygen ‘causes DVT when you fly’” – Study at Leiden University Medical Centre, Netherlands, says long-haul flights place you at greater risk of deep vein thrombosis because of low cabin pressure and oxygen levels’

Posted: 13th, March 2006 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink