
Anorak News | Animal Passions

Animal Passions

by | 10th, November 2006

“EMMERDALE stars in noisy sex row,” says the front page of the Sun.

This is breathless news, panting even.

For those of you not versed in the ways of Emmerdale, we say that it is a TV soap opera based on the lives of everyday farming folk and their livestock.

The talk of noisy sex suggests much. As anyone who has passed a barn in rutting season will attest, the din created by a few hundred weight of copulating cow can be great.

But this story has a human face, and it belongs to “attractive” Georgia Slowe. She’s the divorced mother of two who plays the show’s “posh” Perdy.

And she is not making a sexual din on her own. It is reported that at the time of this tupping, Georgia was in the company of actor Chris Villiers, who player her on-screen husband Grayson Sinclair.

This is surely the case of two professional actors getting into character, immersing themselves in the finer points of their on-screen personas. It is not Georgia and Chris upsetting the neighbours but Perdy and Grayson.

Might this be why Georgia tells the paper that the howls are not being made by she and her co-star. Georgia says the sounds of sex might have been made by visitors.

This throws up an entirely new paddock of debate. But before we get to that, we hear Georgia and Chris apologise to a neighbour for hosting a party that “got a bit rowdy”.

The neighbour tells us: “Then these sounds like a woman having sex started up, at times it is like she is howling.”

Howling. Like a wolf? The show’s sheepish stars have been notified…

Posted: 10th, November 2006 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink