
Anorak News | Celebrity Big Brother Is Back

Celebrity Big Brother Is Back

by | 25th, December 2006

CELEBRITY Big Brother is back.

The show that reduced Vanessa Feltz to meltdown, reunited Jackie Stallone with her former daughter-in-law Brigitte Nielson and made a C-list star of Chantelle Houghton is here again.

How we warmed to Preston. How Michael Barrymore looked almost normal, less than demonic when stripped of his mania and cigarettes.

How we saluted MP George Galloway’s courage, strength and indefatigability as he made like a puffed-up cat to lap imaginary milk from actress Rula Lenska’s open hand.

Big Brother 2007. And the great and good aim to show the world their truer selves as they take part in elaborate tasks and nominate each other for eviction.

Separated from their agents, removed from their make-up artistes, stylists and bathed in unfavourable lighting, the beautiful people will be in the raw.

Stripped of the panoply of their cosseted, airbrushed and pampered lives the celebrities locked in the Big Brother compound run the risk of looking too much like the rest of us. Could they look worse than us? Cripes! Is that possible?

But let us not be too hard on these vain, posturing, self-agrandising celebrities. Big Brother is first and foremost about entertainment, not some modern take on gladiatorial combat in which our champions are fed to the lions.

The winner of Big Brother 2007 will take the spoils – contracts to present a daytime telly show, advertise life insurance and tell the world their life story via the glossy pages of showbiz magazines.

But, of course, there are no losers in Big Brother. They are all winners, with the possible exception of Anthea Turner, obviously.

You see, Big Brother is for charity. Each celebrity housemate nominates a good cause to support. Monies raised via telephone voting will be split equally among the agonists’ charities. Each housemate will collect the same amount for their chosen charity, regardless of where they finish.

That said, all of the contestants desire victory, to be the most popular, the most loved, the least despised. And betting on which of the bunch will win adds spice to Celebrity Big Brother 2007. Take the bet.

And who will win big Brother? Well, that is up to you. Bet now and bet often…


Posted: 25th, December 2006 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink