
Anorak News | Big Brother’s Orlaith McAllister Swallows Her…Pride

Big Brother’s Orlaith McAllister Swallows Her…Pride

by | 17th, May 2007

orlaith_mcallister.jpg“BIG Brother star emeritus Orlaith McAllister is today conducting “The most outrageous celebrity interview ever”.

Orlaith, who appears on the cover of the Daily Sport organ dressed in a thong and bra, is on hand to talk about her “first time”, her “kinkiest sex acts” and her “one-night stand with ‘huge’ Calum Best”.

Inside the paper, spread across the centre pages in poster format, Big Brother’s Orlaith gives Best 11 out of 10.

Interestingly, Orlaith’s night with Best was also her first time with a “MASSIVE WILLY”. “I think size is important,” says Orliath, who has proved the point by having her chest inflated.

Other questions and answers follow.

In the interests of research readers learn when Orlaith conducted her “first hand job”, “first time received oral sex”, “first blow-job”, “first time you swallowed”, first shag” and “first time bum fun”.

Orlaith then tells readers she is “quite partial to orgasms”, in a way we imagine other women are quite partial to a glass of sherry and Radio 4.

Orlaith is available for pantomime, presenting work and anal sex…

Posted: 17th, May 2007 | In: Celebrities Comments (10) | TrackBack | Permalink