
Anorak News | Harassment At The Halifax

Harassment At The Halifax

by | 23rd, May 2007

BANKS – helpful institutions which keep your money safe or ‘legitimate’ cartels that fleece you for every penny they can get? Who are we to say?

Anyway, the banking industry is set to lose even more fans after it was revealed that the Halifax has been harassing one Alison Turner for unpaid overdraft charges she didn‘t owe.

The mum of two from Plymouth received a total of 33 phone calls and letters from bank staff demanding she pay back the £775 in charges even though the bank had already agreed to wipe them out.

However, like thousands of people all over the country, Turner decided to fight back, bringing a legal action against the Halifax under the Protection from Harassment Act.

She won. And is expected to receive a cash payment after the bank agreed to settle out of court.

Hurray for justice.

A bruised and sullen Halifax mumbled tersely, “We have no comment other than it’s settled.”

What, nothing about it being an isolated incident, computer problems, staff retraining etc. etc. ?

Posted: 23rd, May 2007 | In: Money Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink