
Anorak News | Use Your Noodle: Avoid The Credit Card, Phone Car Rip-Off

Use Your Noodle: Avoid The Credit Card, Phone Car Rip-Off

by | 20th, July 2007

front.gifTHE utter lack of any kind of summer this year is enough to make any Briton forget about carbon footprints and air pollution and hotfoot it to their nearest airport to get away from it all.

But holidaymakers had better watch out. The banks are waiting to strike.

According to a new survey undertaken by for the Telegraph, holidaymakers are paying an average of £37 for using their debit and credit cards every time they go abroad.

Overall, banks charged £726million in 2006 for cards used outside Britain, and with people often taking more than one trip abroad a year the fees can easily pass the £100 a year mark.

Another survey, this time by the Post Office, reveals that over a third of British holidaymakers are unaware of just how much they are being charged by the banks.

The Post Office’s Gary Fitton says: “It’s shocking not only to see how much people are being penalised to use their cards on holiday, but how few are aware of this.”

Nothing beats a wad of cash in your fanny-pack, if you ask me. Or any American tourist.

And saving money by using your noodle – mobile phones on holiday have never been cheaper… Check it out here.

Posted: 20th, July 2007 | In: Money Comment | TrackBack | Permalink