
Anorak News | Val Thomas Dies And Comes Back From The Dead

Val Thomas Dies And Comes Back From The Dead

by | 23rd, May 2008

valthomas.jpgCAN you die and come back to life? Pay attention, Gordon Brown:

A WEST Virginia woman was being transferred to the Cleveland Clinic after walking the line between life and death. Doctors are calling Val Thomas a medical miracle. They said they can’t explain how she is alive.

They said Thomas suffered two heart attacks and had no brain waves for more than 17 hours. At about 1:30 a.m. Saturday, her heart stopped and she had no pulse. A respiratory machine kept her breathing and rigor mortis had set in, doctors said.

“Her skin had already started to harden and her fingers curled. Death had set in,” said son Jim Thomas.

The family were divying up her remains:

“She had no neurological function,” said Dr. Kevin Eggleston. Her family said goodbye and doctors removed all the tubes. However, Thomas was kept on a ventilator a little while longer as an organ donor issue was discussed.

Ten minutes later the woman woke up and started talking. Val Thomas and her family strongly believe that the Lord granted them their miracle and they want everyone to know.

With news video.


Posted: 23rd, May 2008 | In: Strange But True Comments (15) | TrackBack | Permalink