
Anorak News | Ashley Dupre’s Tutela Valui

Ashley Dupre’s Tutela Valui

by | 10th, June 2008

ASHLEY Dupre’s – his her – has a new tattoo that reads, in faux Latin: “tutela valui.”

The Daily News reports: 

Tutela, which is related to tutor, has to do with a protector or guardian. Valui appears to be a past form of the word strong.

“So I guess you would say it means, ‘I have a strong patron’ or ‘I have a strong keeper,'” said Doug Machle, assistant to the chairman in the classics department at the University of Washington.

“Or, actually, it’s more like, ‘My guardian was strong.'”…

Daniel Nodes, a classics professor at Ave Maria University in Florida, translated it as “I’ve been well and remain that way because I have protection.”

Mark Buchan, a classics professor at Columbia, took a different tack, musing that it could mean “safe haven.”

Says Instapundit: Romanes eunt domus.

Posted: 10th, June 2008 | In: Politicians Comment | TrackBack | Permalink