
Anorak News | DAvid Fisher’s Jenga Towers

DAvid Fisher’s Jenga Towers

by | 25th, June 2008

jenga.jpgDAVID Fisher, who has never before designed a skyscraper, has created the world’s first rotating towers.

Each floor at his towers to be built in Dubai and Moscow can move. Says he in the Times: “My buildings are unique because they are the first ones to rotate – to be dynamic – every second.”

The Anorak can think of few things less appealing than being sat in an hermitically sealed office block as it revolves high above the desert or through the visible Russian air.

The Times illustrates the unpleasantness with five images of the moving towers, which dissolve like a slinky falling down the stairs from solid structure to the latter moments of a game of Jenga…

Posted: 25th, June 2008 | In: Broadsheets, Strange But True Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink