
Anorak News | John Voight On Leaving Bristol Palin Alone

John Voight On Leaving Bristol Palin Alone

by | 2nd, September 2008

SAYS John Voight, the orginial gay cowboy:

We’re all human beings, we’ve all made mistakes in our life, unless we’re really some kind of saints that have never participated in human decisions. This kid’s going through a lot of stuff right now. I say, let’s put our attention on this kid with love and not make this trauma worse than it is.

Can you imagine her in a room trying to make a decision as to whether to tell her mom and dad about this situation? I mean that’s what I think. I think she’s going through a lot of hell, and we can make it worse or take care of her.”

Or leave her alone. Will the old media leave Bristol Palin alone, as they left Blair’s children alone, specifically Kathryn Blair?

Or does the BBC and other media not extend the same courtesy to the children of right wing or left wing politicos..?

Posted: 2nd, September 2008 | In: Politicians Comments (12) | TrackBack | Permalink