
Anorak News | Nuts For Project Nui: Turd In A Bottle

Nuts For Project Nui: Turd In A Bottle

by | 5th, February 2009

JOIN Project Nui. See the image on the left? Can you guess what is being sent floating off into the seas to teach us about the oceans, waster use and the environment?

Project Niu is a K-12 science curriculum that provides students and teachers with hands-on, project-based experiences with the technologies used in remotely monitoring the ocean. Through deploying and tracking a high tech “message in a bottle” as it drifts out to sea, students develop an understanding of mankind’s impact on the watershed while forming personal connections to the environment.

Update: Nui is as hard as a coconut – so don’t worry kids, he’ll be okaaaay…

Posted: 5th, February 2009 | In: Reviews Comments (2) | TrackBack | Permalink