
Anorak News | Prince Harry’s Mate Caught In Police Chase

Prince Harry’s Mate Caught In Police Chase

by | 15th, April 2009

BEING a copper isn’t all about beating people up – if you’re lucky you can beat people up after you’ve chased them at high speeds for a new TV show starring Prince Harry’s top squeeze Natalie Pinkham.

While the police locate a photogenic volunteer to take the rap (surely limelight? – ed) for beating up Ian Tomlinson, the Mail reports that telly presenter Natalie Pinkham played the part of a car thief for the Channel Five series Police Interceptors.

There goes Pinkham in a 180mph Lamborghini sports car, pursued by officers in two 150mph patrol cars.

Says the Mail:

Programme makers confirmed that officers broke the speed limit and used the blue lights on their £30,000 cars ‘once or twice’.

The police teams gave 30-year-old Miss Pinkham a 20-minute start, then trailed her using a tracker device on her car. In all, the chase lasted for around an hour.

Producer Will Henshaw said: ‘After police gave Natalie a head start, she headed towards Tilbury, on the Essex coast, like a criminal who might try to make it across the Channel. It gave insight into the real work that police do.’

Well, not quite. Had this been a real event, the Celebrity Police Force would have caught Natalie and then phoned into the Splash News agency and waited for their moment of fame.

Image: Vibe

Posted: 15th, April 2009 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink