Mexico Finds Cocaine In Sharks
POLICE love little more than showing off their haul of drugs. And from Mexico, come pictures and news of Navy officers discovering loadsa cocaine in 20 shark carcasses.
It is not a tip off that alerted the forces of drugs prevention to the mule sharks – no, really – but X-ray machines and sniffer dogs. You know, things taxes pay for and the Government can fight the war on drugs with.
It just so happens that Mexico has launched a new anti-drugs offensive.
President Felipe Calderon has sent 45,000 troops and federal police across Mexico to try to crush powerful smuggling organisations. But traffickers armed with a huge arsenal of grenades and automatic weapons are far from defeated, worrying Washington as violence spills over into US states, such as Arizona.
So we need to crank up the war on drugs by giving the fighters more ammunition, and America gives Mexico more money, lest the US be invaded by a foreign Army and the, erm, informants stop co-operating…
Posted: 17th, June 2009 | In: Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink