
Anorak News | 12 Michael Jackson Fans Commit Suicide

12 Michael Jackson Fans Commit Suicide

by | 30th, June 2009

MICHAEL Jackson Watch: 12 Michael Jackson fans commit suicide…

Gary Taylor, president and owner of, tells us:

I know there has been an increase, I now believe the figure is 12. I believe there may have been one Briton who has taken their life.

“It is a serious situation that these people are going through but Michael Jackson would never want this. He would want them to live.”

What Jackson wanted and didn’t want is the subject of much media debate. But on this point, surely ther can be no doubt. Unless someone arrives to say that he did want it.


A woman who told police she was “stressed” over a recent fire at her apartment and “because of the death of Michael Jackson“, has been arrested for setting fire to a restroom at a Lorain bar.

Jackson – He’s never been more influential…

Posted: 30th, June 2009 | In: Celebrities Comments (8) | TrackBack | Permalink